
/CakePHP 4.4

Class CaseStatementExpression

Represents a SQL case statement with a fluid API

Property Summary

  • $_typeMap public @property

    The type map to use when using an array of conditions for the WHEN value.

  • $else protected

    The else part result value.

  • $elseType protected

    The else part result type.

  • $isSimpleVariant protected

    Whether this is a simple case expression.

  • $returnType protected

    The return type.

  • $validClauseNames protected

    The names of the clauses that are valid for use with the clause() method.

  • $value protected

    The case value.

  • $valueType protected

    The case value type.

  • $when protected

    The WHEN ... THEN ... expressions.

  • $whenBuffer protected

    Buffer that holds values and types for use with then().

Method Summary

  • __clone() public

    Clones the inner expression objects.

  • __construct() public


  • _castToExpression() protected

    Conditionally converts the passed value to an ExpressionInterface object if the type class implements the ExpressionTypeInterface. Otherwise, returns the value unmodified.

  • _requiresToExpressionCasting() protected

    Returns an array with the types that require values to be casted to expressions, out of the list of type names passed as parameter.

  • clause() public

    Returns the available data for the given clause.

  • compileNullableValue() protected

    Compiles a nullable value to SQL.

  • else() public

    Sets the ELSE result value.

  • getDefaultTypes() public

    Gets default types of current type map.

  • getReturnType() public

    Returns the abstract type that this expression will return.

  • getTypeMap() public

    Returns the existing type map.

  • inferType() protected

    Infers the abstract type for the given value.

  • setDefaultTypes() public

    Overwrite the default type mappings for fields in the implementing object.

  • setReturnType() public

    Sets the abstract type that this expression will return.

  • setTypeMap() public

    Creates a new TypeMap if $typeMap is an array, otherwise exchanges it for the given one.

  • sql() public

    Converts the Node into a SQL string fragment.

  • then() public

    Sets the THEN result value for the last WHEN ... THEN ... statement that was opened using when().

  • traverse() public

    Iterates over each part of the expression recursively for every level of the expressions tree and executes the $callback callable passing as first parameter the instance of the expression currently being iterated.

  • when() public

    Sets the WHEN value for a WHEN ... THEN ... expression, or a self-contained expression that holds both the value for WHEN and the value for THEN.

Method Detail

__clone() public

__clone(): void

Clones the inner expression objects.



__construct() public

__construct(Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|object|scalar|null $value = null, string|null $type = null)


When a value is set, the syntax generated is CASE case_value WHEN when_value ... END (simple case), where the when_value's are compared against the case_value.

When no value is set, the syntax generated is CASE WHEN when_conditions ... END (searched case), where the conditions hold the comparisons.

Note that null is a valid case value, and thus should only be passed if you actually want to create the simple case expression variant!


Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|object|scalar|null $value optional

The case value.

string|null $type optional

The case value type. If no type is provided, the type will be tried to be inferred from the value.

_castToExpression() protected

_castToExpression(mixed $value, string|null $type = null): mixed

Conditionally converts the passed value to an ExpressionInterface object if the type class implements the ExpressionTypeInterface. Otherwise, returns the value unmodified.


mixed $value

The value to convert to ExpressionInterface

string|null $type optional

The type name



_requiresToExpressionCasting() protected

_requiresToExpressionCasting(array $types): array

Returns an array with the types that require values to be casted to expressions, out of the list of type names passed as parameter.


array $types

List of type names



clause() public

clause(string $clause): Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|object|arrayCake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression>|scalar|null

Returns the available data for the given clause.

Available clauses

The following clause names are available:

  • value: The case value for a CASE case_value WHEN ... expression.
  • when: An array of WHEN ... THEN ... expressions.
  • else: The ELSE result value.


string $clause

The name of the clause to obtain.




In case the given clause name is invalid.

compileNullableValue() protected

compileNullableValue(Cake\Database\ValueBinder $binder, Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|object|scalar|null $value, string|null $type = null): string

Compiles a nullable value to SQL.


Cake\Database\ValueBinder $binder

The value binder to use.

Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|object|scalar|null $value

The value to compile.

string|null $type optional

The value type.



else() public

else(Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|object|scalar|null $result, string|null $type = null): $this

Sets the ELSE result value.


Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|object|scalar|null $result

The result value.

string|null $type optional

The result type. If no type is provided, the type will be tried to be inferred from the value.




In case a closing `then()` call is required before calling this method.
In case the `$result` argument is neither a scalar value, nor an object, an instance of `\Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface`, or `null`.

getDefaultTypes() public

getDefaultTypes(): array<int|string, string>

Gets default types of current type map.


array<int|string, string>

getReturnType() public

getReturnType(): string

Returns the abstract type that this expression will return.

If no type has been explicitly set via setReturnType(), this method will try to obtain the type from the result types of the then() and else()calls. All types must be identical in order for this to work, otherwise the type will default to string.



See Also


getTypeMap() public

getTypeMap(): Cake\Database\TypeMap

Returns the existing type map.



inferType() protected

inferType(mixed $value): string|null

Infers the abstract type for the given value.


mixed $value

The value for which to infer the type.



setDefaultTypes() public

setDefaultTypes(array<int|string, string> $types): $this

Overwrite the default type mappings for fields in the implementing object.

This method is useful if you need to set type mappings that are shared across multiple functions/expressions in a query.

To add a default without overwriting existing ones use getTypeMap()->addDefaults()


array<int|string, string> $types

The array of types to set.



See Also


setReturnType() public

setReturnType(string $type): $this

Sets the abstract type that this expression will return.

If no type is being explicitly set via this method, then the getReturnType() method will try to infer the type from the result types of the then() and else()calls.


string $type

The type name to use.



setTypeMap() public

setTypeMap(Cake\Database\TypeMap|array $typeMap): $this

Creates a new TypeMap if $typeMap is an array, otherwise exchanges it for the given one.


Cake\Database\TypeMap|array $typeMap

Creates a TypeMap if array, otherwise sets the given TypeMap



sql() public

sql(Cake\Database\ValueBinder $binder): string

Converts the Node into a SQL string fragment.


Cake\Database\ValueBinder $binder



then() public

then(Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|object|scalar|null $result, string|null $type = null): $this

Sets the THEN result value for the last WHEN ... THEN ... statement that was opened using when().

Order based syntax

This method can only be invoked in case when() was previously used with a value other than a closure or an instance of \Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression:

    ->when(['Table.column' => true])
    ->when(['Table.column' => false])

The following would all fail with an exception:

    ->when(['Table.column' => true])
    ->when(['Table.column' => false])
    // ...
    ->when(['Table.column' => true])
    // ...
    // ...
    ->when(['Table.column' => true])
    // ...


Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface|object|scalar|null $result

The result value.

string|null $type optional

The result type. If no type is provided, the type will be tried to be inferred from the value.




In case `when()` wasn't previously called with a value other than a closure or an instance of `\Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression`.

traverse() public

traverse(Closure $callback): $this

Iterates over each part of the expression recursively for every level of the expressions tree and executes the $callback callable passing as first parameter the instance of the expression currently being iterated.


Closure $callback



when() public

when(Cake\Database\ExpressionInterfaceClosure|object|array|scalar $when, array<string, string>|string|null $type = null): $this

Sets the WHEN value for a WHEN ... THEN ... expression, or a self-contained expression that holds both the value for WHEN and the value for THEN.

Order based syntax

When passing a value other than a self-contained \Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression, instance, the WHEN ... THEN ... statement must be closed off with a call to then() before invoking when() again or else():


Self-contained expressions

When passing an instance of \Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression, being it directly, or via a callable, then there is no need to close using then() on this object, instead the statement will be closed on the \Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression object using \Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression::then().

Callables will receive an instance of \Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression, and must return one, being it the same object, or a custom one:

    ->when(function (\Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression $whenThen) {
        return $whenThen
            ->when(['Table.column' => true])
    ->when(function (\Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression $whenThen) {
        return $whenThen
            ->when(['Table.column' => false])

Type handling

The types provided via the $type argument will be merged with the type map set for this expression. When using callables for $when, the \Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression instance received by the callables will inherit that type map, however the types passed here will not be merged in case of using callables, instead the types must be passed in \Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression::when():

    ->when(function (\Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression $whenThen) {
        return $whenThen
            ->when(['unmapped_column' => true], ['unmapped_column' => 'bool'])
    ->when(function (\Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression $whenThen) {
        return $whenThen
            ->when(['unmapped_column' => false], ['unmapped_column' => 'bool'])

User data safety

When passing user data, be aware that allowing a user defined array to be passed, is a potential SQL injection vulnerability, as it allows for raw SQL to slip in!

The following is unsafe usage that must be avoided:


A safe variant for the above would be to define a single type for the value:

     ->when($userData, 'integer')

This way an exception would be triggered when an array is passed for the value, thus preventing raw SQL from slipping in, and all other types of values would be forced to be bound as an integer.

Another way to safely pass user data is when using a conditions array, and passing user data only on the value side of the array entries, which will cause them to be bound:

         'Table.column' => $userData,

Lastly, data can also be bound manually:

         'val' => $query->newExpr()
     ->bind(':userData', $userData, 'integer')


Cake\Database\ExpressionInterfaceClosure|object|array|scalar $when

The WHEN value. When using an array of conditions, it must be compatible with \Cake\Database\Query::where(). Note that this argument is not completely safe for use with user data, as a user supplied array would allow for raw SQL to slip in! If you plan to use user data, either pass a single type for the $type argument (which forces the $when value to be a non-array, and then always binds the data), use a conditions array where the user data is only passed on the value side of the array entries, or custom bindings!

array<string, string>|string|null $type optional

The when value type. Either an associative array when using array style conditions, or else a string. If no type is provided, the type will be tried to be inferred from the value.




In case this a closing `then()` call is required before calling this method.
In case the callable doesn't return an instance of `\Cake\Database\Expression\WhenThenExpression`.

Property Detail

$_typeMap public @property

The type map to use when using an array of conditions for the WHEN value.



$else protected

The else part result value.



$elseType protected

The else part result type.



$isSimpleVariant protected

Whether this is a simple case expression.



$returnType protected

The return type.



$validClauseNames protected

The names of the clauses that are valid for use with the clause() method.



$value protected

The case value.



$valueType protected

The case value type.



$when protected

The WHEN ... THEN ... expressions.



$whenBuffer protected

Buffer that holds values and types for use with then().



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