


Modules serve two purposes:

  • as namespaces for defining other types, methods and constants
  • as partial types that can be mixed in other types

An example of a module as a namespace:

module Curses
  class Window


Library authors are advised to put their definitions inside a module to avoid name clashes. The standard library usually doesn't have a namespace as its types and methods are very common, to avoid writing long names.

To use a module as a partial type you use include or extend.

An include makes a type include methods defined in that module as instance methods:

module ItemsSize
  def size

class Items
  include ItemsSize

  def items
    [1, 2, 3]

items = Items.new
items.size # => 3

In the above example, it is as if we pasted the size method from the module into the Items class. The way this really works is by making each type have a list of ancestors, or parents. By default this list starts with the superclass. As modules are included they are prepended to this list. When a method is not found in a type it is looked up in this list. When you invoke super, the first type in this ancestors list is used.

A module can include other modules, so when a method is not found in it it will be looked up in the included modules.

An extend makes a type include methods defined in that module as class methods:

module SomeSize
  def size

class Items
  extend SomeSize

Items.size # => 3

Both include and extend make constants defined in the module available to the including/extending type.

Both of them can be used at the top level to avoid writing a namespace over and over (although the chances of name clashes increase):

module SomeModule
  class SomeType

  def some_method

include SomeModule

SomeType.new # OK, same as SomeModule::SomeType
some_method  # OK, 1

extend self

A common pattern for modules is extend self:

module Base64
  extend self

  def encode64(string)
    # ...

  def decode64(string)
    # ...

In this way a module can be used as a namespace:

Base64.encode64 "hello" # => "aGVsbG8="

But also it can be included in the program and its methods can be invoked without a namespace:

include Base64

encode64 "hello" # => "aGVsbG8="

For this to be useful the method name should have some reference to the module, otherwise chances of name clashes are high.

A module cannot be instantiated:

module Moo

Moo.new # undefined method 'new' for Moo:Module

Module Type Checking

Modules can also be used for type checking.

If we define two modules with names A and B:

module A; end

module B; end

These can be included into classes:

class One
  include A

class Two
  include B

class Three < Two
  include A

We can then type check against instances of these classes with not only their class, but the included modules as well:

one = One.new
typeof(one)  # => One
one.is_a?(A) # => true
one.is_a?(B) # => false

three = Three.new
typeof(three)  # => Three
three.is_a?(A) # => true
three.is_a?(B) # => true

This allows you to define arrays and methods based on module type instead of class:

one = One.new
two = Two.new
three = Three.new

new_array = Array(A).new
new_array << one   # Ok, One inherits module A
new_array << three # Ok, Three includes module A

new_array << two # Error, because Two does not inherit module A

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