
/Web APIs


Baseline: Widely supported

Baseline is determined by this web feature being supported on the current and the previous major versions of major browsers.

The CSSLayerStatementRule represents a @layer statement rule. Unlike CSSLayerBlockRule, it doesn't contain other rules and merely defines one or several layers by providing their names.

This rule allows to explicitly declare the ordering layer that is in an apparent way at the beginning of a CSS file: the layer order is defined by the order of first occurrence of each layer name. Declaring them with a statement allows the reader to understand the layer order. It also allows inline and imported layers to be interleaved, which is not possible when using the CSSLayerBlockRule syntax.

CSSRule CSSLayerStatementRule

Instance properties

Also inherits properties from its parent interface, CSSRule.







@layer layerName, layerName2;



const item = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0];
const rules = document.styleSheets[1].cssRules;
// Note that stylesheet #1 is the stylesheet associated with this embedded example,
// while stylesheet #0 is the stylesheet associated with the whole MDN page

const layer = rules[0]; // A CSSLayerStatementRule

item.textContent = `The CSS @layer statement declares the following layers: ${layer.nameList.join(
  ", ",



Browser compatibility

Desktop Mobile
Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari WebView Android Chrome Android Firefox for Android Opera Android Safari on IOS Samsung Internet
CSSLayerStatementRule 99 99 97 No 85 15.4 99 99 97 68 15.4 18.0
nameList 99 99 97 No 85 15.4 99 99 97 68 15.4 18.0

See also

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