
/TensorFlow Python


Class RegisterGradient

Defined in tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py.

See the guide: Building Graphs > Defining new operations

A decorator for registering the gradient function for an op type.

This decorator is only used when defining a new op type. For an op with m inputs and n outputs, the gradient function is a function that takes the original Operation and n Tensor objects (representing the gradients with respect to each output of the op), and returns m Tensor objects (representing the partial gradients with respect to each input of the op).

For example, assuming that operations of type "Sub" take two inputs x and y, and return a single output x - y, the following gradient function would be registered:

def _sub_grad(unused_op, grad):
  return grad, tf.negative(grad)

The decorator argument op_type is the string type of an operation. This corresponds to the OpDef.name field for the proto that defines the operation.




Creates a new decorator with op_type as the Operation type.


  • op_type: The string type of an operation. This corresponds to the OpDef.name field for the proto that defines the operation.



Registers the function f as gradient function for op_type.

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