

Introduction to Angular tutorial - the First Angular app

This tutorial consists of lessons that introduce the Angular concepts you need to know to start coding in Angular.

If you're just starting out with Angular, completing the lessons in sequence provides the best learning experience, because each lesson builds on the previous lessons. After you're familiar with Angular, you can come back into any lesson for a refresher.

If you're more experienced, the lessons in this tutorial can be completed individually. You can do as many or as few as you would like and you can do them in any order.

Before you start

For the best experience with this tutorial, review these requirements to make sure you have what you need to be successful.

Your experience

The lessons in this tutorial assume that you have done the following:

  1. Created an HTML web page by editing the HTML directly. This tutorial makes references to HTML elements and the Document Object Model (DOM). If these terms are not familiar, review HTML programming before you start this tutorial.
  2. Programmed web site content in JavaScript. This tutorial has many examples of TypeScript programming, which is based on JavaScript. TypeScript-specific feature are explained, but familiarity with JavaScript programming is necessary to understand the lessons in this tutorial.
  3. Read Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) content and understand how selectors are used. This tutorial does not require any CSS coding, but if these terms are not familiar, review CSS and selectors before you start this tutorial.
  4. Used command-line instructions to perform tasks on your computer. Angular uses the Angular CLI to perform many tasks. This tutorial provides the commands to use and assumes that you know how to open the command line tool or terminal interface in which to use them. If you aren't sure how to use a command line tool or terminal interface, review that before starting this tutorial.

Your equipment

These lessons can be completed by using a local installation of the Angular tools or by using StackBlitz in a web browser. Local Angular development can be completed on Windows, MacOS or Linux based systems.

Working on your own computer has the advantage of being able to save your work locally for future reference. Working in StackBlitz allows you to work through the lessons without loading any software on your own computer.

Conceptual preview of your first Angular app

The lessons in this tutorial create a simple Angular app that lists houses for rent and show the details of individual houses. This app uses features that are common to many Angular apps.

Output of heroes dashboard

Development environment

If you plan to complete this tutorial on your local computer, you must install the required software. If you have already installed some of the required software, you must verify that it is the correct version.

Perform these steps in a command-line tool on the computer you want to use for this tutorial.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to use StackBlitz to do the lessons, you can proceed to the first lesson. You don't need to install any software.

Step 1 - Identify the version of node.js that Angular requires

IMPORTANT: This step is only required if you have a version of node installed, otherwise, proceed to step 2 below.

Angular requires an active LTS or maintenance LTS version of Node. Let's confirm your version of node.js. For information about specific version requirements, see the engines property in the package.json file.

From a Terminal window:

  1. Run the following command: node --version
  2. Confirm that the version number displayed meets the requirements.

Step 2 - Install the correct version of node.js for Angular

If you do not have a version of node.js installed, please follow the directions for installation on nodejs.org

Step 3 - Install the latest version of Angular

With node.js and npm installed, the next step is to install the Angular CLI which provides tooling for effective Angular development.

From a Terminal window:

  1. Run the following command: npm install -g @angular/cli
  2. Once the installation completes, the terminal window will display details of the Angular CLI version installed on your local computer.

Step 4 - Install integrated development environment (IDE)

You are free to use any tool you prefer to build apps with Angular. We recommend the following:

  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. As an optional, but recommended step you can further improve your developer experience by installing the Angular Language Service

Lesson review

In this lesson, you learned about the app that you build in this tutorial and prepared your local computer to develop Angular apps.

Next steps

More information

For more information about the topics covered in this lesson, visit:

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