This plugin is part of the purestorage.flasharray collection (version 1.5.1).
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install purestorage.flasharray
To use it in a playbook, specify: purestorage.flasharray.purefa_info
New in version 1.0.0: of purestorage.flasharray
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments |
api_token string | FlashArray API token for admin privileged user. | |
fa_url string | FlashArray management IPv4 address or Hostname. | |
gather_subset list / elements=string | Default: "minimum" | When supplied, this argument will define the information to be collected. Possible values for this include all, minimum, config, performance, capacity, network, subnet, interfaces, hgroups, pgroups, hosts, admins, volumes, snapshots, pods, replication, vgroups, offload, apps, arrays, certs, kmip, clients, policies, dir_snaps and filesystems. |
Python libraryPUREFA_URL
environment variables if fa_url and api_token arguments are not passed to the module directly- name: collect default set of information purefa_info: fa_url: api_token: e31060a7-21fc-e277-6240-25983c6c4592 register: array_info - name: show default information debug: msg: "{{ array_info['purefa_info']['default'] }}" - name: collect configuration and capacity information purefa_info: gather_subset: - config fa_url: api_token: e31060a7-21fc-e277-6240-25983c6c4592 register: array_info - name: show configuration information debug: msg: "{{ array_info['purefa_info']['config'] }}" - name: collect all information purefa_info: gather_subset: - all fa_url: api_token: e31060a7-21fc-e277-6240-25983c6c4592 - name: show all information debug: msg: "{{ array_info['purefa_info'] }}"
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Returned | Description |
purefa_info complex | always | Returns the information collected from the FlashArray Sample: {'admins': {'pureuser': {'role': 'array_admin', 'type': 'local'}}, 'apps': {'offload': {'description': 'Snapshot offload to NFS or Amazon S3', 'status': 'healthy', 'version': '5.2.1'}}, 'arrays': {}, 'capacity': {'data_reduction': 11.664774599686346, 'free_space': 6995782867042, 'provisioned_space': 442391871488, 'shared_space': 3070918120, 'snapshot_space': 284597118, 'system_space': 0, 'thin_provisioning': 0.8201773449669771, 'total_capacity': 7002920315199, 'total_reduction': 64.86821472825108, 'volume_space': 3781932919}, 'config': {'directory_service': {'base_dn': None, 'bind_password': None, 'bind_user': None, 'check_peer': False, 'enabled': False, 'uri': [], 'user_login_attribute': None, 'user_object_class': None}, 'directory_service_roles': {'array_admin': {'group': None, 'group_base': None}, 'ops_admin': {'group': None, 'group_base': None}, 'readonly': {'group': None, 'group_base': None}, 'storage_admin': {'group': None, 'group_base': None}}, 'dns': {'domain': '', 'nameservers': ['']}, 'global_admin': {'lockout_duration': None, 'max_login_attempts': None, 'min_password_length': 1, 'single_sign_on_enabled': False}, 'idle_timeout': 0, 'ntp': [''], 'phonehome': 'enabled', 'proxy': '', 'relayhost': '', 'scsi_timeout': 60, 'senderdomain': '', 'smtp': [{'enabled': True, 'name': '[email protected]'}], 'snmp': [{'auth_passphrase': None, 'auth_protocol': None, 'community': '', 'host': '', 'name': 'manager1', 'notification': 'trap', 'privacy_passphrase': None, 'privacy_protocol': None, 'user': None, 'version': 'v2c'}], 'syslog': ['udp://']}, 'default': {'admins': 1, 'array_model': 'FA-405', 'array_name': 'array', 'connected_arrays': 0, 'connection_key': 'c6033033-fe69-2515-a9e8-966bb7fe4b40', 'hostgroups': 0, 'hosts': 15, 'pods': 1, 'protection_groups': 1, 'purity_version': '5.2.1', 'snapshots': 2, 'volume_groups': 1}, 'hgroups': {}, 'hosts': {'@offload': {'hgroup': None, 'iqn': [], 'nqn': [], 'personality': None, 'preferred_array': [], 'target_port': [], 'wwn': []}, 'docker-host': {'hgroup': None, 'iqn': [''], 'nqn': [], 'personality': None, 'preferred_array': [], 'target_port': ['CT0.ETH4', 'CT1.ETH4'], 'wwn': []}}, 'interfaces': {'CT0.ETH4': '', 'CT1.ETH4': ''}, 'network': {'@offload.data0': {'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'hwaddr': '52:54:30:02:b9:4e', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['app'], 'speed': 10000000000}, 'ct0.eth0': {'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'hwaddr': 'ec:f4:bb:c8:8a:04', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['management'], 'speed': 1000000000}, 'ct0.eth2': {'address': '', 'gateway': None, 'hwaddr': 'ec:f4:bb:c8:8a:00', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['replication'], 'speed': 10000000000}, 'ct0.eth4': {'address': '', 'gateway': None, 'hwaddr': '90:e2:ba:83:79:0c', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['iscsi'], 'speed': 10000000000}, 'ct1.eth0': {'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'hwaddr': 'ec:f4:bb:e4:c6:3c', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['management'], 'speed': 1000000000}, 'ct1.eth2': {'address': '', 'gateway': None, 'hwaddr': 'ec:f4:bb:e4:c6:38', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['replication'], 'speed': 10000000000}, 'ct1.eth4': {'address': '', 'gateway': None, 'hwaddr': '90:e2:ba:8b:b1:8c', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['iscsi'], 'speed': 10000000000}, 'vir0': {'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'hwaddr': 'fe:ba:e9:e7:6b:0f', 'mtu': 1500, 'netmask': '', 'services': ['management'], 'speed': 1000000000}}, 'nfs_offload': {}, 'performance': {'input_per_sec': 0, 'local_queue_usec_per_op': 0, 'output_per_sec': 0, 'qos_rate_limit_usec_per_read_op': 0, 'qos_rate_limit_usec_per_write_op': 0, 'queue_depth': 0, 'queue_usec_per_read_op': 0, 'queue_usec_per_write_op': 0, 'reads_per_sec': 0, 'san_usec_per_read_op': 0, 'san_usec_per_write_op': 0, 'time': '2019-08-14T21:33:51Z', 'usec_per_read_op': 0, 'usec_per_write_op': 0, 'writes_per_sec': 0}, 'pgroups': {'test_pg': {'hgroups': None, 'hosts': None, 'source': 'docker-host', 'targets': None, 'volumes': None}}, 'pods': {'test': {'arrays': [{'array_id': '043be47c-1233-4399-b9d6-8fe38727dd9d', 'mediator_status': 'online', 'name': 'array2', 'status': 'online'}], 'source': None}}, 's3_offload': {'s3-offload': {'access_key_id': 'AKIAILNVEPWZTV4FGWZQ', 'bucket': 'offload-bucket', 'protocol': 's3', 'status': 'connected'}}, 'snapshots': {'@offload_boot.1': {'created': '2019-03-14T15:29:20Z', 'size': 68719476736, 'source': '@offload_boot'}}, 'subnet': {}, 'vgroups': {'test': {'volumes': ['test/test', 'test/test1']}}, 'volumes': {'@offload_boot': {'bandwidth': None, 'hosts': [['@offload', 1]], 'serial': '43BE47C12334399B00013959', 'size': 68719476736, 'source': None}, 'docker-store': {'bandwidth': None, 'hosts': [['docker-host', 1]], 'serial': '43BE47C12334399B00011418', 'size': 21474836480, 'source': None}}} |
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2021 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.