
/Chef 12


A client.rb file is used to specify the configuration details for the chef-client.

  • This file is loaded every time this executable is run
  • On UNIX- and Linux-based machines, the default location for this file is /etc/chef/client.rb; on Microsoft Windows machines, the default location for this file is C:\chef\client.rb; use the --config option from the command line to change this location
  • This file is not created by default
  • When a client.rb file is present in the default location, the settings contained within that client.rb file will override the default configuration settings


This configuration file has the following settings:

A 3rd-party formatter. (See nyan-cat for an example of a 3rd-party formatter.) Each formatter requires its own entry.
Enable audit-mode. Set to audit-only to skip the converge phase of the chef-client run and only perform audits. Possible values: audit-only, disabled, and enabled. Default value: disabled.
A Hash that whitelists automatic attributes, preventing non-whitelisted attributes from being saved.
Optional. The home directory for the user that is running the chef-client as a non-root user.
The location in which checksum files are stored. These are used to validate individual cookbook files, such as recipes. The checksum itself is stored in the Chef server database and is then compared to a file in the checksum path that has a filename identical to the checksum.
The path to the chef-repo.

The URL for the Chef server. For example:

Enable chef-zero. This setting requires local_mode to be set to true. Default value: false.
The port on which chef-zero is to listen. This value may be specified as a range; the chef-client will take the first available port in the range. For example 10,20,30 or 10000-20000. Default value: 8889-9999.
The location of the file that contains the client key. Default value: /etc/chef/client.pem.
The number of times a chef-client is to attempt to register with a Chef server. Default value: 5.

Controls the phase during which a gem is installed on a node. Set to true to install a gem while the resource collection is being built (the “compile phase”). Set to false to install a gem while the chef-client is configuring the node (the “converge phase”). Recommended value: false.


To suppress warnings for cookbooks authored prior to chef-client 12.1, use a respond_to? check to ensure backward compatibility. For example:

chef_gem 'aws-sdk' do
  compile_time false if respond_to?(:compile_time)
The sub-directory for cookbooks on the chef-client. This value can be a string or an array of file system locations, processed in the specified order. The last cookbook is considered to override local modifications.
The number of helper threads available for parallel cookbook synchronization. Increasing this value may increase the frequency of gateway errors from the Chef server (503 and 504 errors). Decreasing this number reduces the frequency of gateway errors, if present. Default value: 10.
The minimum required version of data bag encryption. Possible values: 0, 1, and 2. When all of the machines in an organization are running chef-client version 11.6 (or higher), it is recommended that this value be set to 2.
The location from which a data bag is loaded. Default value: /var/chef/data_bags.
The fully qualified URL to the data collector server API.
The shared data collector security token. When configured, the token will be passed as an HTTP header named x-data-collector-token which the server can choose to accept or reject.
The chef-client mode in which the Data Collector will be enabled. Possible values: :solo, :client, or :both. The :solo value is used for Chef operating in Chef Solo Mode or Chef Solo Legacy Mode. Default value: both.
When enabled the chef-client will raise an error if it is unable to successfully POST to the data collector server. Default value: false.
A Hash that whitelists default attributes, preventing non-whitelisted attributes from being saved.
Cause the chef-client to create a diff when changes are made to a file. Default value: false.
The maximum size (in bytes) of a file for which the chef-client can create a diff. Default value: 10000000.
The maximum size (in bytes) of a diff file created by the chef-client. Default value: 1000000.
Enable or disable sending events to the Microsoft Windows “Application” event log. When false, events are sent to the Microsoft Windows “Application” event log at the start and end of a chef-client run, and also if a chef-client run fails. Set to true to disable event logging. Default value: true.
Cause the chef-client to send data to the Chef server for use with Reporting.
Cause the chef-client run to fail when Reporting data cannot be sent to the Chef server (for any reason).
SELinux environments only. Cause the chef-client to attempt to apply the correct file permissions to an updated file via the restorecon command. Set this value to false to prevent the chef-client from attempting this action.
The subdirectory in which encrypted data bag secrets are located.
The name of the environment.
The path to the environment. Default value: /var/chef/environments.

When set to :enabled, chef-client will use stardardized exit codes for Chef client run status, and any non-standard exit codes will be converted to 1 or GENERIC_FAILURE. This setting can also be set to :disabled which preserves the old behavior of using non-standardized exit codes and skips the deprecation warnings. Default value: nil.


The behavior with the default value consists of a warning on the use of deprecated and non-standard exit codes. In a future release of Chef client, using standardized exit codes will be the default behavior.

New in Chef Client 12.11.


Apply atomic file updates to all resources. Set to true for global atomic file updates. Set to false for global non-atomic file updates. (Use the atomic_update setting on a per-resource basis to override this setting.) Default value: true.


Changing this setting to false may cause file corruption, data loss, or instability. Use the atomic_update property on the cookbook_file, file, remote_file, and template resources to tune this behavior at the recipe level.

The location in which backup files are stored. If this value is empty, backup files are stored in the directory of the target file. Default value: /var/chef/backup.
The location in which cookbooks (and other transient data) files are stored when they are synchronized. This value can also be used in recipes to download files with the remote_file resource.
How file staging (via temporary files) is done. When true, temporary files are created in the directory in which files will reside. When false, temporary files are created under ENV['TMP']. Default value: true.
Allows OpenSSL to enforce FIPS-validated security during the chef-client run. Set to true to enable FIPS-validated security.
The proxy server for FTP connections.
The password for the proxy server when the proxy server is using an FTP connection. Default value: nil.
The user name for the proxy server when the proxy server is using an FTP connection. Default value: nil.
The group that owns a process. This is required when starting any executable as a daemon. Default value: nil.
The proxy server for HTTP connections. Default value: nil.
The password for the proxy server when the proxy server is using an HTTP connection. Default value: nil.
The user name for the proxy server when the proxy server is using an HTTP connection. Default value: nil.
The number of retry attempts. Default value: 5.
The delay (in seconds) between retry attempts. Default value: 5.
The proxy server for HTTPS connections. Default value: nil.
The password for the proxy server when the proxy server is using an HTTPS connection. Default value: nil.
The user name for the proxy server when the proxy server is using an HTTPS connection. Default value: nil.
The frequency (in seconds) at which the chef-client runs. Default value: 1800.
The path to a file that contains JSON data.
Run chef-zero in socketless mode. Set to false to disable port binding and HTTP requests on localhost.
Whether the Chef server or chef-client generates the private/public key pair. When true, the chef-client generates the key pair, and then sends the public key to the Chef server. Default value: true.
Run the chef-client in local mode. This allows all commands that work against the Chef server to also work against the local chef-repo.
The location of the chef-client lock file. This value is typically platform-dependent, so should be a location defined by file_cache_path. The default location of a lock file should not on an NF mount. Default value: a location defined by file_cache_path.
The level of logging to be stored in a log file. Possible levels: :auto (default), :debug, :info, :warn, :error, or :fatal. Default value: :warn (when a terminal is available) or :info (when a terminal is not available).
The location of the log file. Possible values: /path/to/log_location, STDOUT, STDERR, :win_evt (Windows Event Logger), or :syslog (writes to the syslog daemon facility with the originator set as chef-client). The application log will specify the source as Chef. Default value: STDOUT.
Run the Ohai plugins for name detection and resource/provider selection and no other Ohai plugins. Set to true during integration testing to speed up test cycles.
The run-list associated with a policy file.
Download all cookbook files and templates at the beginning of the chef-client run. Default value: true.
A comma-separated list of URLs that do not need a proxy. Default value: nil.
The name of the node. Determines which configuration should be applied and sets the client_name, which is the name used when authenticating to a Chef server. The default value is the FQDN of the chef-client, as detected by Ohai. In general, Chef recommends that you leave this setting blank and let Ohai assign the FQDN of the node as the node_name during each chef-client run.
The location in which nodes are stored when the chef-client is run in local mode. Default value: /var/chef/node.
A Hash that whitelists normal attributes, preventing non-whitelisted attributes from being saved.
A Hash that whitelists override attributes, preventing non-whitelisted attributes from being saved.
The location in which a process identification number (pid) is saved. An executable, when started as a daemon, writes the pid to the specified file. Default value: /tmp/name-of-executable.pid.
The name of a policy, as identified by the name setting in a Policyfile.rb file. policy_name must also be specified.
The name of a policy group that exists on the Chef server. policy_group must also be specified.
The time (in seconds) after which an HTTP REST request is to time out. Default value: 300.
The location in which role files are located. Default value: /var/chef/roles.
The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a chef-client lock file to be deleted. A chef-client run will not start when a lock file is present. If a lock file is not deleted before this time expires, the pending chef-client run will exit. Default value: not set (indefinite). Set to 0 to cause a second chef-client to exit immediately.
A random number between zero and splay that is added to interval. Use splay to help balance the load on the Chef server by ensuring that many chef-client runs are not occuring at the same interval. Default value: nil.
The file in which the OpenSSL key is saved. This setting is generated automatically by the chef-client and most users do not need to modify it.
The path to where the OpenSSL key is located. This setting is generated automatically by the chef-client and most users do not need to modify it.
The OpenSSL X.509 certificate used for mutual certificate validation. This setting is only necessary when mutual certificate validation is configured on the Chef server. Default value: nil.
The OpenSSL X.509 key used for mutual certificate validation. This setting is only necessary when mutual certificate validation is configured on the Chef server. Default value: nil.

Set the verify mode for HTTPS requests.

  • Use :verify_none to do no validation of SSL certificates.
  • Use :verify_peer to do validation of all SSL certificates, including the Chef server connections, S3 connections, and any HTTPS remote_file resource URLs used in the chef-client run. This is the recommended setting.

Depending on how OpenSSL is configured, the ssl_ca_path may need to be specified. Default value: :verify_peer.

All files in a cookbook must contain valid Ruby syntax. Use this setting to specify the location in which knife caches information about files that have been checked for valid Ruby syntax.
The file mode creation mask, or umask. Default value: 0022.
The chef-client automatically checks the configuration, node JSON, and the stored node on the Chef server to determine if Policyfile files are being used, and then automatically updates this flag. Default value: false.
The user that owns a process. This is required when starting any executable as a daemon. Default value: nil.
The name of the chef-validator key that is used by the chef-client to access the Chef server during the initial chef-client run.
The location of the file that contains the key used when a chef-client is registered with a Chef server. A validation key is signed using the validation_client_name for authentication. Default value: /etc/chef/validation.pem.
Set the log level. Options: true, nil, and false. When this is set to false, notifications about individual resources being processed are suppressed (and are output at the :info logging level). Setting this to false can be useful when a chef-client is run as a daemon. Default value: nil.
Verify the SSL certificate on the Chef server. When true, the chef-client always verifies the SSL certificate. When false, the chef-client uses the value of ssl_verify_mode to determine if the SSL certificate requires verification. Default value: false.

A Hash that contains the whitelist used by Chef push jobs. For example:

whitelist {
  'job-name' => 'command',
  'job-name' => 'command',
  'chef-client' => 'chef-client'

A job entry may also be 'job-name' => {:lock => true}, which will check the lockfile setting in the client.rb file before starting the job.


The whitelist setting is available only when using Chef push jobs, a tool that runs jobs against nodes in an organization.

The maximum amount of time (in seconds) available to the chef-client run when the chef-client is run as a service on the Microsoft Windows platform. If the chef-client run does not complete within the specified timeframe, the chef-client run is terminated. Default value: 2 * (60 * 60).
The amount of time (in seconds) after which a Yum lock request is to time out. Default value: 30.

Automatic Proxy Config

If http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, or no_proxy is set in the client.rb file, the chef-client will configure the ENV variable based on these (and related) settings. For example:

http_proxy 'http://proxy.example.org:8080'
http_proxy_user 'myself'
http_proxy_pass 'Password1'

will be set to:

ENV['http_proxy'] = 'http://myself:[email protected]:8080'

.d Directories

The chef-client supports reading multiple configuration files by putting them inside a .d configuration directory. For example: /etc/chef/client.d. All files that end in .rb in the .d directory are loaded; other non-.rb files are ignored.

.d directories may exist in any location where the client.rb, config.rb, or solo.rb files are present, such as:

  • /etc/chef/client.d
  • /etc/chef/config.d
  • ~/chef/solo.d
  • c:/chef/config.d

(There is no support for a knife.d directory; use config.d instead.)

For example, when using knife, the following configuration files would be loaded:

  • ~/.chef/config.rb
  • ~/.chef/config.d/company_settings.rb
  • ~/.chef/config.d/ec2_configuration.rb
  • ~/.chef/config.d/old_settings.rb.bak

The old_settings.rb.bak file is ignored because it’s not a configuration file. The config.rb, company_settings.rb, and ec2_configuration files are merged together as if they are a single configuration file.


If multiple configuration files exists in a .d directory, ensure that the same setting has the same value in all files.

Ohai Settings

Ohai configuration settings can be added to the client.rb file.

The directory in which Ohai plugins are located.

An array of Ohai plugins to be disabled on a node. The list of plugins included in Ohai can be found in the ohai/lib/ohai/plugins directory. For example, disabling a single plugin:

Ohai.disabled_plugins = [

or disabling multiple plugins:
Ohai.disabled_plugins = [

and to disable multiple plugins, including Ohai 6 plugins:

Ohai.disabled_plugins = [

When a plugin is disabled, the chef-client log file will contain entries similar to:

[2014-06-13T23:49:12+00:00] DEBUG: Skipping disabled plugin MyPlugin
The path to the file that contains hints for Ohai.
The level of logging to be stored in a log file.
The location of the log file.

An array of paths at which Ohai plugins are located. Default value: [<CHEF_GEM_PATH>/ohai-9.9.9/lib/ohai/plugins]. When custom Ohai plugins are added, the paths must be added to the array. For example, a single plugin:

Ohai.plugin_path << '/etc/chef/ohai_plugins'

and for multiple plugins:

Ohai.plugin_path += [
The version of Ohai.


The Ohai executable ignores settings in the client.rb file when Ohai is run independently of the chef-client.


A sample client.rb file that contains the most simple way to connect to https://manage.chef.io:

log_level        :info
log_location     STDOUT
chef_server_url  'https://api.opscode.com/organizations/<orgname>'
validation_client_name '<orgname>-validator'
validation_key '/etc/chef/validator.pem'
client_key '/etc/chef/client.pem'

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