



If you use Codeception installed using composer, install this module with the following command:

composer require --dev codeception/module-redis

Alternatively, you can enable Redis module in suite configuration file and run

codecept init upgrade4

This module was bundled with Codeception 2 and 3, but since version 4 it is necessary to install it separately.
Some modules are bundled with PHAR files.
Warning. Using PHAR file and composer in the same project can cause unexpected errors.


This module uses the Predis library to interact with a Redis server.


  • Stability: beta


  • host (string, default '') - The Redis host
  • port (int, default 6379) - The Redis port
  • database (int, no default) - The Redis database. Needs to be specified.
  • cleanupBefore: (string, default 'never') - Whether/when to flush the database:
    • suite: at the beginning of every suite
    • test: at the beginning of every test
    • Any other value: never

Example (unit.suite.yml)

       - Redis:
           host: ''
           port: 6379
           database: 0
           cleanupBefore: 'never'

Public Properties

  • driver - Contains the Predis client/driver

@author Marc Verney [email protected]



Delete all the keys in the Redis database

@throws ModuleException


Asserts that a key does not exist or, optionally, that it doesn’t have the provided $value


// With only one argument, only checks the key does not exist

// Checks a String does not exist or its value is not the one provided
$I->dontSeeInRedis('example:string', 'life');

// Checks a List does not exist or its value is not the one provided (order of elements is compared).
$I->dontSeeInRedis('example:list', ['riri', 'fifi', 'loulou']);

// Checks a Set does not exist or its value is not the one provided (order of members is ignored).
$I->dontSeeInRedis('example:set', ['riri', 'fifi', 'loulou']);

// Checks a ZSet does not exist or its value is not the one provided (scores are required, order of members is compared)
$I->dontSeeInRedis('example:zset', ['riri' => 1, 'fifi' => 2, 'loulou' => 3]);

// Checks a Hash does not exist or its value is not the one provided (order of members is ignored).
$I->dontSeeInRedis('example:hash', ['riri' => true, 'fifi' => 'Dewey', 'loulou' => 2]);
  • param string $key The key name
  • param mixed $value Optional. If specified, also checks the key has this value. Booleans will be converted to 1 and 0 (even inside arrays)


Asserts that a given key does not contain a given item


// Strings: performs a substring search
$I->dontSeeRedisKeyContains('string', 'bar');

// Lists
$I->dontSeeRedisKeyContains('example:list', 'poney');

// Sets
$I->dontSeeRedisKeyContains('example:set', 'cat');

// ZSets: check whether the zset has this member
$I->dontSeeRedisKeyContains('example:zset', 'jordan');

// ZSets: check whether the zset has this member with this score
$I->dontSeeRedisKeyContains('example:zset', 'jordan', 23);

// Hashes: check whether the hash has this field
$I->dontSeeRedisKeyContains('example:hash', 'magic');

// Hashes: check whether the hash has this field with this value
$I->dontSeeRedisKeyContains('example:hash', 'magic', 32);
  • param string $key The key
  • param mixed $item The item
  • param null $itemValue Optional and only used for zsets and hashes. If specified, the method will also check that the $item has this value/score

  • return bool


Returns the value of a given key


// Strings

// Lists: get all members

// Lists: get a specific member
$I->grabFromRedis('example:list', 2);

// Lists: get a range of elements
$I->grabFromRedis('example:list', 2, 4);

// Sets: get all members

// ZSets: get all members

// ZSets: get a range of members
$I->grabFromRedis('example:zset', 3, 12);

// Hashes: get all fields of a key

// Hashes: get a specific field of a key
$I->grabFromRedis('example:hash', 'foo');
  • param string $key The key name

@throws ModuleException if the key does not exist


Creates or modifies keys

If $key already exists:

  • Strings: its value will be overwritten with $value
  • Other types: $value items will be appended to its value


// Strings: $value must be a scalar
$I->haveInRedis('string', 'Obladi Oblada');

// Lists: $value can be a scalar or an array
$I->haveInRedis('list', ['riri', 'fifi', 'loulou']);

// Sets: $value can be a scalar or an array
$I->haveInRedis('set', ['riri', 'fifi', 'loulou']);

// ZSets: $value must be an associative array with scores
$I->haveInRedis('zset', ['riri' => 1, 'fifi' => 2, 'loulou' => 3]);

// Hashes: $value must be an associative array
$I->haveInRedis('hash', ['obladi' => 'oblada']);
  • param string $type The type of the key
  • param string $key The key name
  • param mixed $value The value

@throws ModuleException


Asserts that a key exists, and optionally that it has the provided $value


// With only one argument, only checks the key exists

// Checks a String exists and has the value "life"
$I->seeInRedis('example:string', 'life');

// Checks the value of a List. Order of elements is compared.
$I->seeInRedis('example:list', ['riri', 'fifi', 'loulou']);

// Checks the value of a Set. Order of members is ignored.
$I->seeInRedis('example:set', ['riri', 'fifi', 'loulou']);

// Checks the value of a ZSet. Scores are required. Order of members is compared.
$I->seeInRedis('example:zset', ['riri' => 1, 'fifi' => 2, 'loulou' => 3]);

// Checks the value of a Hash. Order of members is ignored.
$I->seeInRedis('example:hash', ['riri' => true, 'fifi' => 'Dewey', 'loulou' => 2]);
  • param string $key The key name
  • param mixed $value Optional. If specified, also checks the key has this value. Booleans will be converted to 1 and 0 (even inside arrays)


Asserts that a given key contains a given item


// Strings: performs a substring search
$I->seeRedisKeyContains('example:string', 'bar');

// Lists
$I->seeRedisKeyContains('example:list', 'poney');

// Sets
$I->seeRedisKeyContains('example:set', 'cat');

// ZSets: check whether the zset has this member
$I->seeRedisKeyContains('example:zset', 'jordan');

// ZSets: check whether the zset has this member with this score
$I->seeRedisKeyContains('example:zset', 'jordan', 23);

// Hashes: check whether the hash has this field
$I->seeRedisKeyContains('example:hash', 'magic');

// Hashes: check whether the hash has this field with this value
$I->seeRedisKeyContains('example:hash', 'magic', 32);
  • param string $key The key
  • param mixed $item The item
  • param null $itemValue Optional and only used for zsets and hashes. If specified, the method will also check that the $item has this value/score

  • return bool


Sends a command directly to the Redis driver. See documentation at https://github.com/nrk/predis Every argument that follows the $command name will be passed to it.


$I->sendCommandToRedis('incr', 'example:string');
$I->sendCommandToRedis('strLen', 'example:string');
$I->sendCommandToRedis('lPop', 'example:list');
$I->sendCommandToRedis('zRangeByScore', 'example:set', '-inf', '+inf', ['withscores' => true, 'limit' => [1, 2]]);
  • param string $command The command name

© 2011 Michael Bodnarchuk and contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.