Crystal provides several literals for creating values of some basic types.
Literal | Sample values |
Nil | nil |
Bool |
true , false
Integers |
18 , -12 , 19_i64 , 14_u32 ,64_u8
Floats |
1.0 , 1.0_f32 , 1e10 , -0.5
Char |
'a' , '\n' , 'あ'
String |
"foo\tbar" , %("あ") , %q(foo #{foo})
Symbol |
:symbol , :"foo bar"
Array |
[1, 2, 3] , [1, 2, 3] of Int32 , %w(one two three)
Array-like | Set{1, 2, 3} |
Hash |
{"foo" => 2} , {} of String => Int32
Hash-like | MyType{"foo" => "bar"} |
Range |
1..9 , 1...10 , 0..var
Regex |
/(foo)?bar/ , /foo #{foo}/imx , %r(foo/)
Tuple | {1, "hello", 'x'} |
NamedTuple |
{name: "Crystal", year: 2011} , {"this is a key": 1}
Proc | ->(x : Int32, y : Int32) { x + y } |
Command |
`echo foo` , %x(echo foo)
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