



  • WebAssembly.CompileError

    The WebAssembly.CompileError object indicates an error during WebAssembly decoding or validation.


  • WebAssembly.Global

    A WebAssembly.Global object represents a global variable instance, accessible from both JavaScript and importable/exportable across one or more WebAssembly.Module instances. This allows dynamic linking of multiple modules.


  • WebAssembly.Instance

    A WebAssembly.Instance object is a stateful, executable instance of a WebAssembly.Module. Instance objects contain all the Exported WebAssembly functions that allow calling into WebAssembly code from JavaScript.


  • WebAssembly.LinkError

    The WebAssembly.LinkError object indicates an error during module instantiation (besides traps from the start function).


  • WebAssembly.Memory

    The WebAssembly.Memory object is a resizable ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer that holds the raw bytes of memory accessed by a WebAssembly Instance.

    A memory created by JavaScript or in WebAssembly code will be accessible and mutable from both JavaScript and WebAssembly.


  • WebAssembly.Module

    A WebAssembly.Module object contains stateless WebAssembly code that has already been compiled by the browser — this can be efficiently shared with Workers, and instantiated multiple times.


  • WebAssembly.RuntimeError

    The WebAssembly.RuntimeError object is the error type that is thrown whenever WebAssembly specifies a trap.


  • WebAssembly.Table

    The WebAssembly.Table() object is a JavaScript wrapper object — an array-like structure representing a WebAssembly Table, which stores function references. A table created by JavaScript or in WebAssembly code will be accessible and mutable from both JavaScript and WebAssembly.



  • WebAssembly.compile

    The WebAssembly.compile() function compiles WebAssembly binary code into a WebAssembly.Module object. This function is useful if it is necessary to compile a module before it can be instantiated (otherwise, the WebAssembly.instantiate() function should be used).


  • WebAssembly.compileStreaming

    The WebAssembly.compileStreaming() function compiles a WebAssembly.Module directly from a streamed underlying source. This function is useful if it is necessary to a compile a module before it can be instantiated (otherwise, the WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming() function should be used).


  • WebAssembly.instantiate

    The WebAssembly.instantiate() function allows you to compile and instantiate WebAssembly code.

    This overload takes the WebAssembly binary code, in the form of a typed array or ArrayBuffer, and performs both compilation and instantiation in one step. The returned Promise resolves to both a compiled WebAssembly.Module and its first WebAssembly.Instance.


  • WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming

    The WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming() function compiles and instantiates a WebAssembly module directly from a streamed underlying source. This is the most efficient, optimized way to load wasm code.


  • WebAssembly.validate

    The WebAssembly.validate() function validates a given typed array of WebAssembly binary code, returning whether the bytes form a valid wasm module (true) or not (false).



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