
/Docker 19

VMware vSphere

Creates machines on a VMware vSphere Virtual Infrastructure. The machine must have a working vSphere ESXi installation. You can use a paid license or free 60 day trial license. Your installation may also include an optional VCenter server.


$ docker-machine create --driver vmwarevsphere --vmwarevsphere-username=user --vmwarevsphere-password=SECRET vm


  • --vmwarevsphere-boot2docker-url: URL for boot2docker image.
  • --vmwarevsphere-cpu-count: CPU number for Docker VM.
  • --vmwarevsphere-datacenter: Datacenter for Docker VM (must be set to ha-datacenter when connecting to a single host).
  • --vmwarevsphere-datastore: Datastore for Docker VM.
  • --vmwarevsphere-disk-size: Size of disk for Docker VM (in MB).
  • --vmwarevsphere-folder: vSphere folder for the docker VM. This folder must already exist in the datacenter.
  • --vmwarevsphere-hostsystem: vSphere compute resource where the docker VM is instantiated. This can be omitted if using a cluster with DRS.
  • --vmwarevsphere-memory-size: Size of memory for Docker VM (in MB).
  • --vmwarevsphere-network: Network where the Docker VM is attached.
  • --vmwarevsphere-password: required vSphere Password.
  • --vmwarevsphere-pool: Resource pool for Docker VM.
  • --vmwarevsphere-username: required vSphere Username.
  • --vmwarevsphere-vcenter-port: vSphere Port for vCenter.
  • --vmwarevsphere-vcenter: IP/hostname for vCenter (or ESXi if connecting directly to a single host).

The VMware vSphere driver uses the latest boot2docker image.

Environment variables and default values

CLI option Environment variable Default
--vmwarevsphere-boot2docker-url VSPHERE_BOOT2DOCKER_URL Latest boot2docker url
--vmwarevsphere-cpu-count VSPHERE_CPU_COUNT 2
--vmwarevsphere-datacenter VSPHERE_DATACENTER -
--vmwarevsphere-datastore VSPHERE_DATASTORE -
--vmwarevsphere-disk-size VSPHERE_DISK_SIZE 20000
--vmwarevsphere-hostsystem VSPHERE_HOSTSYSTEM -
--vmwarevsphere-memory-size VSPHERE_MEMORY_SIZE 2048
--vmwarevsphere-network VSPHERE_NETWORK -
--vmwarevsphere-password VSPHERE_PASSWORD -
--vmwarevsphere-pool VSPHERE_POOL -
--vmwarevsphere-username VSPHERE_USERNAME -
--vmwarevsphere-vcenter-port VSPHERE_VCENTER_PORT 443
--vmwarevsphere-vcenter VSPHERE_VCENTER -
--vmwarevsphere-folder VSPHERE_FOLDER -

machine, VMware vSphere, driver

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