



This module implements the dojo/i18n! plugin and the v1.6- i18n API

We choose to include our own plugin to leverage functionality already contained in dojo and thereby reduce the size of the plugin compared to various loader implementations. Also, this allows foreign AMD loaders to be used without their plugins.



Defined by: dojo/i18n


Defined by: dojo/i18n


Defined by: dojo/i18n



Defined by dojo/i18n

Parameter Type Description
moduleName undefined
bundleName undefined
locale undefined

Returns: string


Defined by dojo/i18n

Parameter Type Description
moduleName undefined
bundleName undefined
locale undefined

Returns: undefined


Defined by dojo/i18n

id is in one of the following formats

  1. /nls/ => load the bundle, localized to config.locale; load all bundles localized to config.extraLocale (if any); return the loaded bundle localized to config.locale.

  2. /nls// => load then return the bundle localized to

  3. preload/nls/* => for config.locale and all config.extraLocale, load all bundles found in the best-matching bundle rollup. A value of 1 is returned, which is meaningless other than to say the plugin is executing the requested preloads

In cases 1 and 2, is always normalized to an absolute module id upon entry; see normalize. In case 3, it is assumed to be absolute; this is arranged by the builder.

To load a bundle means to insert the bundle into the plugin's cache and publish the bundle value to the loader. Given , , and a particular , the cache key


will hold the value. Similarly, then plugin will publish this value to the loader by

define("<path>/nls/<bundle>/<locale>", <bundle-value>);

Given this algorithm, other machinery can provide fast load paths be preplacing values in the plugin's cache, which is public. When a load is demanded the cache is inspected before starting any loading. Explicitly placing values in the plugin cache is an advanced/experimental feature that should not be needed; use at your own risk.

For the normal AMD algorithm, the root bundle is loaded first, which instructs the plugin what additional localized bundles are required for a particular locale. These additional locales are loaded and a mix of the root and each progressively-specific locale is returned. For example:

  1. The client demands "dojo/i18n!some/path/nls/someBundle

  2. The loader demands load(some/path/nls/someBundle)

  3. This plugin require's "some/path/nls/someBundle", which is the root bundle.

  4. Assuming config.locale is "ab-cd-ef" and the root bundle indicates that localizations are available for "ab" and "ab-cd-ef" (note the missing "ab-cd", then the plugin requires "some/path/nls/ab/someBundle" and "some/path/nls/ab-cd-ef/someBundle"

  5. Upon receiving all required bundles, the plugin constructs the value of the bundle ab-cd-ef as...

     mixin(mixin(mixin({}, require("some/path/nls/someBundle"),

This value is inserted into the cache and published to the loader at the key/module-id some/path/nls/someBundle/ab-cd-ef.

The special preload signature (case 3) instructs the plugin to stop servicing all normal requests (further preload requests will be serviced) until all ongoing preloading has completed.

The preload signature instructs the plugin that a special rollup module is available that contains one or more flattened, localized bundles. The JSON array of available locales indicates which locales are available. Here is an example:

*preload*some/path/nls/someModule*["root", "ab", "ab-cd-ef"]

This indicates the following rollup modules are available:


Each of these modules is a normal AMD module that contains one or more flattened bundles in a hash. For example, assume someModule contained the bundles some/bundle/path/someBundle and some/bundle/path/someOtherBundle, then some/path/nls/someModule_ab would be expressed as follows:

    some/bundle/path/someBundle:<value of someBundle, flattened with respect to locale ab>,
    some/bundle/path/someOtherBundle:<value of someOtherBundle, flattened with respect to locale ab>,

E.g., given this design, preloading for locale=="ab" can execute the following algorithm:

require(["some/path/nls/someModule_ab"], function(rollup){
    for(var p in rollup){
        var id = p + "/ab",
        cache[id] = rollup[p];
        define(id, rollup[p]);

Similarly, if "ab-cd" is requested, the algorithm can determine that "ab" is the best available and load accordingly.

The builder will write such rollups for every layer if a non-empty localeList profile property is provided. Further, the builder will include the following cache entry in the cache associated with any layer.

"*now":function(r){r(['dojo/i18n!*preload*<path>/nls/<module>*<JSON array of available locales>']);}

The *now special cache module instructs the loader to apply the provided function to context-require with respect to the particular layer being defined. This causes the plugin to hold all normal service requests until all preloading is complete.

Notice that this algorithm is rarely better than the standard AMD load algorithm. Consider the normal case where the target locale has a single segment and a layer depends on a single bundle:

Without Preloads:

  1. Layer loads root bundle.
  2. bundle is demanded; plugin loads single localized bundle.

With Preloads:

  1. Layer causes preloading of target bundle.
  2. bundle is demanded; service is delayed until preloading complete; bundle is returned.

In each case a single transaction is required to load the target bundle. In cases where multiple bundles are required and/or the locale has multiple segments, preloads still requires a single transaction whereas the normal path requires an additional transaction for each additional bundle/locale-segment. However all of these additional transactions can be done concurrently. Owing to this analysis, the entire preloading algorithm can be discard during a build by setting the has feature dojo-preload-i18n-Api to false.

Parameter Type Description
id undefined
require undefined
load undefined


Defined by dojo/i18n

id may be relative. preload has form *preload*<path>/nls/<module>*<flattened locales> and therefore never looks like a relative

Parameter Type Description
id undefined
toAbsMid undefined

Returns: undefined


Defined by dojo/i18n

Parameter Type Description
locale undefined

Returns: undefined

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