



String utilities for Dojo



Defined by dojo/string

Efficiently escape a string for insertion into HTML (innerHTML or attributes), replacing &, <, >, ", ', and / characters.

Parameter Type Description
str String

the string to escape


Defined by dojo/string

Pad a string to guarantee that it is at least size length by filling with the character ch at either the start or end of the string. Pads at the start, by default.

Parameter Type Description
text String

the string to pad

size Integer

length to provide padding

ch String

character to pad, defaults to '0'

end Boolean

adds padding at the end if true, otherwise pads at start

Returns: number


Example 1

// Fill the string to length 10 with "+" characters on the right.  Yields "Dojo++++++".
string.pad("Dojo", 10, "+", true);


Defined by dojo/string

Efficiently replicate a string n times.

Parameter Type Description
str String

the string to replicate

num Integer

number of times to replicate the string

Returns: string | undefined


Defined by dojo/string

Performs parameterized substitutions on a string. Throws an exception if any parameter is unmatched.

Parameter Type Description
template String

a string with expressions in the form ${key} to be replaced or ${key:format} which specifies a format function. keys are case-sensitive.

map Object | Array

hash to search for substitutions

transform Function

a function to process all parameters before substitution takes place, e.g. mylib.encodeXML

thisObject Object

where to look for optional format function; default to the global namespace

Returns: undefined


Example 1

Substitutes two expressions in a string from an Array or Object

// returns "File 'foo.html' is not found in directory '/temp'."
// by providing substitution data in an Array
    "File '${0}' is not found in directory '${1}'.",

// also returns "File 'foo.html' is not found in directory '/temp'."
// but provides substitution data in an Object structure.  Dotted
// notation may be used to traverse the structure.
    "File '${name}' is not found in directory '${info.dir}'.",
    { name: "foo.html", info: { dir: "/temp" } }

Example 2

Use a transform function to modify the values:

// returns "file 'foo.html' is not found in directory '/temp'."
    "${0} is not found in ${1}.",
        // try to figure out the type
        var prefix = (str.charAt(0) == "/") ? "directory": "file";
        return prefix + " '" + str + "'";

Example 3

Use a formatter

// returns "thinger -- howdy"
    "${0:postfix}", ["thinger"], null, {
        postfix: function(value, key){
            return value + " -- howdy";


Defined by dojo/string

Trims whitespace from both sides of the string

This version of trim() was taken from Steven Levithan's blog. The short yet performant version of this function is dojo/_base/lang.trim(), which is part of Dojo base. Uses String.prototype.trim instead, if available.

Parameter Type Description
str String

String to be trimmed

Returns: String | string

Returns the trimmed string

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