Directives passed to put() and add() handlers for guiding the update and creation of stored objects.
Defined by: dojo/store/api/Store
If the collection of objects in the store has a natural ordering, this indicates that the created or updated object should be placed before the object specified by the value of this property. A value of null indicates that the object should be last.
Defined by: dojo/store/api/Store
Indicates the identity of the object if a new object is created
Defined by: dojo/store/api/Store
If this is provided as a boolean it indicates that the object should or should not overwrite an existing object. A value of true indicates that a new object should not be created, the operation should update an existing object. A value of false indicates that an existing object should not be updated, a new object should be created (which is the same as an add() operation). When this property is not provided, either an update or creation is acceptable.
Defined by: dojo/store/api/Store
If the store is hierarchical (with single parenting) this property indicates the new parent of the created or updated object.
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