The Web Bluetooth API provides the ability to connect and interact with Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals.
Returns a Promise
to a BluetoothDevice
object with the specified options.
Provides properties of a particular BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic
Represents a Bluetooth device inside a particular script execution environment.
Represents a GATT Characteristic, which is a basic data element that provides further information about a peripheral's service.
Represents a GATT Descriptor, which provides further information about a characteristic's value.
Represents a GATT Server on a remote device.
Represents a service provided by a GATT server, including a device, a list of referenced services, and a list of the characteristics of this service.
Browser compatibility
Desktop |
Mobile |
Chrome |
Edge |
Firefox |
Internet Explorer |
Opera |
Safari |
WebView Android |
Chrome Android |
Firefox for Android |
Opera Android |
Safari on IOS |
Samsung Internet |
Web_Bluetooth_API |
56Before Chrome 70, this feature was only supported in macOS. In Chrome 70, support was added for Windows 10. Linux support is not enabled by default.56In Linux and versions of Windows earlier than 10, this flag must be enabled.
79Supported by default only on macOS and Windows 10. Linux support is not enabled by default.79In Linux and versions of Windows earlier than 10, this flag must be enabled.
No |
No |
43Before Opera 57, this feature was only supported in macOS. In Opera 57, support was added for Windows 10. Linux support is not enabled by default.43In Linux and versions of Windows earlier than 10, this flag must be enabled.
No |
No |
56 |
No |
43 |
No |
6.0 |
availabilitychanged_event |
56 |
79 |
No |
No |
43 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
getAvailability |
78 |
79 |
No |
No |
65 |
No |
No |
78 |
No |
56 |
No |
12.0 |
getDevices |
85 |
85 |
No |
No |
71 |
No |
No |
85 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
requestDevice |
56 |
79 |
No |
No |
43 |
No |
No |
56 |
No |
43 |
No |
6.0 |