protected ConfigInstaller::getConfigToCreate(StorageInterface $storage, $collection, $prefix = '', array $profile_storages = [])
Gets configuration data from the provided storage to create.
StorageInterface $storage: The configuration storage to read configuration from.
string $collection: The configuration collection to use.
string $prefix: (optional) Limit to configuration starting with the provided string.
\Drupal\Core\Config\StorageInterface[] $profile_storages: An array of storage interfaces containing profile configuration to check for overrides.
array An array of configuration data read from the source storage keyed by the configuration object name.
protected function getConfigToCreate(StorageInterface $storage, $collection, $prefix = '', array $profile_storages = []) { if ($storage->getCollectionName() != $collection) { $storage = $storage->createCollection($collection); } $data = $storage->readMultiple($storage->listAll($prefix)); // Check to see if the corresponding override storage has any overrides. foreach ($profile_storages as $profile_storage) { if ($profile_storage->getCollectionName() != $collection) { $profile_storage = $profile_storage->createCollection($collection); } $data = $profile_storage->readMultiple(array_keys($data)) + $data; } return $data; }
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