
/Drupal 8

public function ConfigManager::findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities

public ConfigManager::findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities($type, array $names, ConfigDependencyManager $dependency_manager = NULL)

Finds config entities that are dependent on extensions or entities.


string $type: The type of dependency being checked. Either 'module', 'theme', 'config' or 'content'.

array $names: The specific names to check. If $type equals 'module' or 'theme' then it should be a list of module names or theme names. In the case of 'config' or 'content' it should be a list of configuration dependency names.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface[] An array of dependencies as configuration entities.

Overrides ConfigManagerInterface::findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/ConfigManager.php, line 264


The ConfigManager provides helper functions for the configuration system.




public function findConfigEntityDependentsAsEntities($type, array $names, ConfigDependencyManager $dependency_manager = NULL) {
  $dependencies = $this->findConfigEntityDependents($type, $names, $dependency_manager);
  $entities = array();
  $definitions = $this->entityManager->getDefinitions();
  foreach ($dependencies as $config_name => $dependency) {
    // Group by entity type to efficient load entities using
    // \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface::loadMultiple().
    $entity_type_id = $this->getEntityTypeIdByName($config_name);
    // It is possible that a non-configuration entity will be returned if a
    // simple configuration object has a UUID key. This would occur if the
    // dependents of the system module are calculated since system.site has
    // a UUID key.
    if ($entity_type_id) {
      $id = substr($config_name, strlen($definitions[$entity_type_id]->getConfigPrefix()) + 1);
      $entities[$entity_type_id][] = $id;
  $entities_to_return = array();
  foreach ($entities as $entity_type_id => $entities_to_load) {
    $storage = $this->entityManager->getStorage($entity_type_id);
    // Remove the keys since there are potential ID clashes from different
    // configuration entity types.
    $entities_to_return = array_merge($entities_to_return, array_values($storage->loadMultiple($entities_to_load)));
  return $entities_to_return;

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