protected Schema::buildTableNameCondition($table_name, $operator = '=', $add_prefix = TRUE)
Build a condition to match a table name against a standard information_schema.
MySQL uses databases like schemas rather than catalogs so when we build a condition to query the information_schema.tables, we set the default database as the schema unless specified otherwise, and exclude table_catalog from the condition criteria.
Overrides Schema::buildTableNameCondition
protected function buildTableNameCondition($table_name, $operator = '=', $add_prefix = TRUE) { $table_info = $this->getPrefixInfo($table_name, $add_prefix); $condition = new Condition('AND'); $condition->condition('table_schema', $table_info['database']); $condition->condition('table_name', $table_info['table'], $operator); return $condition; }
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