public Select::arguments()
Gets a complete list of all values to insert into the prepared statement.
An associative array of placeholders and values.
Overrides QueryConditionTrait::arguments
public function arguments() { if (!$this->compiled()) { return NULL; } $args = $this->condition->arguments() + $this->having->arguments(); foreach ($this->tables as $table) { if ($table['arguments']) { $args += $table['arguments']; } // If this table is a subquery, grab its arguments recursively. if ($table['table'] instanceof SelectInterface) { $args += $table['table']->arguments(); } // If the join condition is an object, grab its arguments recursively. if (!empty($table['condition']) && $table['condition'] instanceof ConditionInterface) { $args += $table['condition']->arguments(); } } foreach ($this->expressions as $expression) { if ($expression['arguments']) { $args += $expression['arguments']; } } // If there are any dependent queries to UNION, // incorporate their arguments recursively. foreach ($this->union as $union) { $args += $union['query']->arguments(); } return $args; }
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