public DateFormatter::formatInterval($interval, $granularity = 2, $langcode = NULL)
Formats a time interval with the requested granularity.
Note that for intervals over 30 days, the output is approximate: a "month" is always exactly 30 days, and a "year" is always 365 days. It is not possible to make a more exact representation, given that there is only one input in seconds. If you are formatting an interval between two specific timestamps, use \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatter::formatDiff() instead.
int $interval: The length of the interval in seconds.
int $granularity: (optional) How many different units to display in the string (2 by default).
string|null $langcode: (optional) langcode: The language code for the language used to format the date. Defaults to NULL, which results in the user interface language for the page being used.
string A translated string representation of the interval.
Overrides DateFormatterInterface::formatInterval
public function formatInterval($interval, $granularity = 2, $langcode = NULL) { $output = ''; foreach ($this->units as $key => $value) { $key = explode('|', $key); if ($interval >= $value) { $output .= ($output ? ' ' : '') . $this->formatPlural(floor($interval / $value), $key[0], $key[1], array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)); $interval %= $value; $granularity--; } elseif ($output) { // Break if there was previous output but not any output at this level, // to avoid skipping levels and getting output like "1 year 1 second". break; } if ($granularity == 0) { break; } } return $output ? $output : $this->t('0 sec', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode)); }
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