public DateFormatter::getSampleDateFormats($langcode = NULL, $timestamp = NULL, $timezone = NULL)
Provides values for all date formatting characters for a given timestamp.
string|null $langcode: (optional) Language code of the date format, if different from the site default language.
int|null $timestamp: (optional) The Unix timestamp to format, defaults to current time.
string|null $timezone: (optional) The timezone to use, if different from the site's default timezone.
array An array of formatted date values, indexed by the date format character.
Overrides DateFormatterInterface::getSampleDateFormats
public function getSampleDateFormats($langcode = NULL, $timestamp = NULL, $timezone = NULL) { $timestamp = $timestamp ? : time(); // All date format characters for the PHP date() function. $date_chars = str_split('dDjlNSwzWFmMntLoYyaABgGhHisueIOPTZcrU'); $date_elements = array_combine($date_chars, $date_chars); return array_map(function($character) use ($timestamp, $timezone, $langcode) { return $this->format($timestamp, 'custom', $character, $timezone, $langcode); }, $date_elements); }
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