protected static Datelist::incrementRound(&$date, $increment)
Rounds minutes and seconds to nearest requested value.
protected static function incrementRound(&$date, $increment) { // Round minutes and seconds, if necessary. if ($date instanceof DrupalDateTime && $increment > 1) { $day = intval($date->format('j')); $hour = intval($date->format('H')); $second = intval(round(intval($date->format('s')) / $increment) * $increment); $minute = intval($date->format('i')); if ($second == 60) { $minute += 1; $second = 0; } $minute = intval(round($minute / $increment) * $increment); if ($minute == 60) { $hour += 1; $minute = 0; } $date->setTime($hour, $minute, $second); if ($hour == 24) { $day += 1; $year = $date->format('Y'); $month = $date->format('n'); $date->setDate($year, $month, $day); } } return $date; }
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