The DrupalKernel class is the core of Drupal itself.
This class is responsible for building the Dependency Injection Container and also deals with the registration of service providers. It allows registered service providers to add their services to the container. Core provides the CoreServiceProvider, which, in addition to registering any core services that cannot be registered in the file, adds any compiler passes needed by core, e.g. for processing tagged services. Each module can add its own service provider, i.e. a class implementing Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ServiceProvider, to register services to the container, or modify existing services.
Name | Modifiers | Type | Description |
DrupalKernel::$allowDumping | protected | property | Whether the container can be dumped. |
DrupalKernel::$booted | protected | property | Whether the kernel has been booted. |
DrupalKernel::$bootstrapContainer | protected | property | Holds the bootstrap container. |
DrupalKernel::$bootstrapContainerClass | protected | property | Holds the class used for instantiating the bootstrap container. |
DrupalKernel::$classLoader | protected | property | The class loader object. |
DrupalKernel::$configStorage | protected | property | Config storage object used for reading enabled modules configuration. |
DrupalKernel::$container | protected | property | Holds the container instance. |
DrupalKernel::$containerNeedsDumping | protected | property | Whether the container needs to be dumped once booting is complete. |
DrupalKernel::$containerNeedsRebuild | protected | property | Whether the container needs to be rebuilt the next time it is initialized. |
DrupalKernel::$defaultBootstrapContainerDefinition | protected | property | Holds the default bootstrap container definition. |
DrupalKernel::$environment | protected | property | The environment, e.g. 'testing', 'install'. |
DrupalKernel::$isEnvironmentInitialized | protected static | property | Whether the PHP environment has been initialized. |
DrupalKernel::$moduleData | protected | property | List of available modules and installation profiles. |
DrupalKernel::$moduleList | protected | property | Holds the list of enabled modules. |
DrupalKernel::$phpArrayDumperClass | protected | property | Holds the class used for dumping the container to a PHP array. |
DrupalKernel::$prepared | protected | property | Whether essential services have been set up properly by preHandle(). |
DrupalKernel::$root | protected | property | The app root. |
DrupalKernel::$serviceProviderClasses | protected | property | List of discovered service provider class names or objects. |
DrupalKernel::$serviceProviders | protected | property | List of instantiated service provider classes. |
DrupalKernel::$serviceYamls | protected | property | List of discovered services.yml pathnames. |
DrupalKernel::$sitePath | protected | property | The site directory. |
DrupalKernel::addServiceFiles | protected | function | Add service files. |
DrupalKernel::attachSynthetic | protected | function | Attach synthetic values on to kernel. |
DrupalKernel::boot | public | function | Boots the current kernel. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::boot |
DrupalKernel::bootEnvironment | public static | function | Setup a consistent PHP environment. |
DrupalKernel::cacheDrupalContainer | protected | function | Stores the container definition in a cache. |
DrupalKernel::classLoaderAddMultiplePsr4 | protected | function | Registers a list of namespaces with PSR-4 directories for class loading. |
DrupalKernel::compileContainer | protected | function | Compiles a new service container. |
DrupalKernel::createFromRequest | public static | function | Create a DrupalKernel object from a request. |
DrupalKernel::discoverServiceProviders | public | function | Discovers available serviceProviders. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::discoverServiceProviders |
DrupalKernel::findSitePath | public static | function | Returns the appropriate site directory for a request. |
DrupalKernel::getAppRoot | public | function | Gets the app root. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::getAppRoot |
DrupalKernel::getCachedContainerDefinition | public | function | Returns the cached container definition - if any. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::getCachedContainerDefinition |
DrupalKernel::getConfigStorage | protected | function | Returns the active configuration storage to use during building the container. |
DrupalKernel::getContainer | public | function | Gets the current container. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::getContainer |
DrupalKernel::getContainerBuilder | protected | function | Gets a new ContainerBuilder instance used to build the service container. |
DrupalKernel::getContainerCacheKey | protected | function | Returns the container cache key based on the environment. |
DrupalKernel::getHttpKernel | protected | function | Gets a http kernel from the container |
DrupalKernel::getKernelParameters | protected | function | Returns the kernel parameters. |
DrupalKernel::getModuleFileNames | protected | function | Gets the file name for each enabled module. |
DrupalKernel::getModuleNamespacesPsr4 | protected | function | Gets the PSR-4 base directories for module namespaces. |
DrupalKernel::getModulesParameter | protected | function | Returns an array of Extension class parameters for all enabled modules. |
DrupalKernel::getServiceProviders | public | function | Returns all registered service providers. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::getServiceProviders |
DrupalKernel::getServicesToPersist | protected | function | Returns service instances to persist from an old container to a new one. |
DrupalKernel::getSitePath | public | function | Get the site path. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::getSitePath |
DrupalKernel::handle | public | function | Handles a Request to convert it to a Response. Overrides HttpKernelInterface::handle |
DrupalKernel::handleException | protected | function | Converts an exception into a response. |
DrupalKernel::initializeContainer | protected | function | Initializes the service container. |
DrupalKernel::initializeRequestGlobals | protected | function | Bootstraps the legacy global request variables. |
DrupalKernel::initializeServiceProviders | protected | function | Registers all service providers to the kernel. |
DrupalKernel::initializeSettings | protected | function | Locate site path and initialize settings singleton. |
DrupalKernel::invalidateContainer | public | function | Invalidate the service container for the next request. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::invalidateContainer |
DrupalKernel::loadLegacyIncludes | public | function | Helper method that loads legacy Drupal include files. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::loadLegacyIncludes |
DrupalKernel::moduleData | protected | function | Returns module data on the filesystem. |
DrupalKernel::persistServices | protected | function | Moves persistent service instances into a new container. |
DrupalKernel::preHandle | public | function | Helper method that does request related initialization. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::preHandle |
DrupalKernel::prepareLegacyRequest | public | function | Prepare the kernel for handling a request without handling the request. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::prepareLegacyRequest |
DrupalKernel::rebuildContainer | public | function | Force a container rebuild. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::rebuildContainer |
DrupalKernel::setContainer | public | function | Sets the container. Overrides ContainerAwareInterface::setContainer |
DrupalKernel::setSitePath | public | function | Set the current site path. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::setSitePath |
DrupalKernel::setupTrustedHosts | protected static | function | Sets up the lists of trusted HTTP Host headers. |
DrupalKernel::shutdown | public | function | Shuts down the kernel. Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::shutdown |
DrupalKernel::terminate | public | function | Terminates a request/response cycle. Overrides TerminableInterface::terminate |
DrupalKernel::updateModules | public | function | Implements Drupal\Core\DrupalKernelInterface::updateModules(). Overrides DrupalKernelInterface::updateModules |
DrupalKernel::validateHostname | public static | function | Validates the hostname supplied from the HTTP request. |
DrupalKernel::validateHostnameLength | protected static | function | Validates a hostname length. |
DrupalKernel::__construct | public | function | Constructs a DrupalKernel object. |
HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST | constant | ||
HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST | constant |
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Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 and later.
Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert.!lib!Drupal!Core!DrupalKernel.php/class/DrupalKernel/8.1.x