protected final FileTransfer::fixRemotePath($path, $strip_chroot = TRUE)
Returns a modified path suitable for passing to the server.
If a path is a windows path, makes it POSIX compliant by removing the drive letter. If $this->chroot has a value and $strip_chroot is TRUE, it is stripped from the path to allow for chroot'd filetransfer systems.
string $path: The path to modify.
bool $strip_chroot: Whether to remove the path in $this->chroot.
string The modified path.
protected final function fixRemotePath($path, $strip_chroot = TRUE) { $path = $this->sanitizePath($path); $path = preg_replace('|^([a-z]{1}):|i', '', $path); // Strip out windows driveletter if its there. if ($strip_chroot) { if ($this->chroot && strpos($path, $this->chroot) === 0) { $path = ($path == $this->chroot) ? '' : substr($path, strlen($this->chroot)); } } return $path; }
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