Used to return generated links, along with associated cacheability metadata.
Note: not to be confused with \Drupal\Core\Link, which is for passing around ungenerated links (typically link text + route name + route parameters).
Name | Modifiers | Type | Description |
AttachmentsTrait::$attachments | protected | property | The attachments for this response. |
AttachmentsTrait::addAttachments | public | function | Adds attachments. Overrides AttachmentsInterface::addAttachments |
AttachmentsTrait::getAttachments | public | function | Gets attachments. Overrides AttachmentsInterface::getAttachments |
AttachmentsTrait::setAttachments | public | function | Sets attachments. Overrides AttachmentsInterface::setAttachments |
BubbleableMetadata::addCacheableDependency | public | function | Adds a dependency on an object: merges its cacheability metadata. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheableDependency |
BubbleableMetadata::applyTo | public | function | Applies the values of this bubbleable metadata object to a render array. Overrides CacheableMetadata::applyTo |
BubbleableMetadata::createFromObject | public static | function | Creates a bubbleable metadata object from a depended object. Overrides CacheableMetadata::createFromObject |
BubbleableMetadata::createFromRenderArray | public static | function | Creates a bubbleable metadata object with values taken from a render array. Overrides CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray |
BubbleableMetadata::merge | public | function | Merges the values of another bubbleable metadata object with this one. Overrides CacheableMetadata::merge |
BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments | public static | function | Merges two attachments arrays (which live under the '#attached' key). |
CacheableMetadata::getCacheContexts | public | function | The cache contexts associated with this object. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheContexts |
CacheableMetadata::getCacheMaxAge | public | function | The maximum age for which this object may be cached. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheMaxAge |
CacheableMetadata::getCacheTags | public | function | The cache tags associated with this object. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheTags |
CacheableMetadata::setCacheContexts | public | function | Sets cache contexts. |
CacheableMetadata::setCacheMaxAge | public | function | Sets the maximum age (in seconds). |
CacheableMetadata::setCacheTags | public | function | Sets cache tags. |
GeneratedLink::$generatedLink | protected | property | The HTML string value containing a link. |
GeneratedLink::count | public | function | |
GeneratedLink::getGeneratedLink | public | function | Gets the generated link. |
GeneratedLink::jsonSerialize | public | function | |
GeneratedLink::setGeneratedLink | public | function | Sets the generated link. |
GeneratedLink::__toString | public | function | Returns markup. Overrides MarkupInterface::__toString |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheContexts | protected | property | Cache contexts. |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheMaxAge | protected | property | Cache max-age. |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheTags | protected | property | Cache tags. |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheContexts | public | function | Adds cache contexts. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyInterface::addCacheContexts |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheTags | public | function | Adds cache tags. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyInterface::addCacheTags |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::mergeCacheMaxAge | public | function | Merges the maximum age (in seconds) with the existing maximum age. Overrides RefinableCacheableDependencyInterface::mergeCacheMaxAge |
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Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 and later.
Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert.!lib!Drupal!Core!GeneratedLink.php/class/GeneratedLink/8.1.x