public Image::save($destination = NULL)
Closes the image and saves the changes to a file.
string|null $destination: (optional) Destination path where the image should be saved. If it is empty the original image file will be overwritten.
bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
Overrides ImageInterface::save
public function save($destination = NULL) { // Return immediately if the image is not valid. if (!$this->isValid()) { return FALSE; } $destination = $destination ? : $this->getSource(); if ($return = $this->getToolkit()->save($destination)) { // Clear the cached file size and refresh the image information. clearstatcache(TRUE, $destination); $this->fileSize = filesize($destination); $this->source = $destination; // @todo Use File utility when is in. if ($this->chmod($destination)) { return $return; } } return FALSE; }
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