public MenuTreeStorageInterface::getRootPathIds($id)
Returns all the IDs that represent the path to the root of the tree.
array( 'p1' => 1, 'p2' => 6, 'p3' => 8, 'p4' => 0, 'p5' => 0, 'p6' => 0, 'p7' => 0, 'p8' => 0, 'p9' => 0 )
string $id: A menu link ID.
array An associative array of IDs with keys equal to values that represents the path from the given ID to the root of the tree. If $id is an ID that exists, the returned array will at least include it. An empty array is returned if the ID does not exist in the storage. An example $id (8) with two parents (1, 6) looks like the following:
public function getRootPathIds($id);
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