Implements hook_cron().
Queues news feeds for updates once their refresh interval has elapsed.
function aggregator_cron() { $queue = \Drupal::queue('aggregator_feeds'); $ids = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('aggregator_feed')->getFeedIdsToRefresh(); foreach (Feed::loadMultiple($ids) as $feed) { if ($queue->createItem($feed)) { // Add timestamp to avoid queueing item more than once. $feed->setQueuedTime(REQUEST_TIME); $feed->save(); } } // Delete queued timestamp after 6 hours assuming the update has failed. $ids = \Drupal::entityQuery('aggregator_feed') ->condition('queued', REQUEST_TIME - (3600 * 6), '<') ->execute(); if ($ids) { $feeds = Feed::loadMultiple($ids); foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $feed->setQueuedTime(0); $feed->save(); } } }
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