
/Drupal 8

function editor_filter_xss

editor_filter_xss($html, FilterFormatInterface $format = NULL, FilterFormatInterface $original_format = NULL)

Applies text editor XSS filtering.


string $html: The HTML string that will be passed to the text editor.

\Drupal\filter\FilterFormatInterface|null $format: The text format whose text editor will be used or NULL if the previously defined text format is now disabled.

\Drupal\filter\FilterFormatInterface $original_format|null: (optional) The original text format (i.e. when switching text formats, $format is the text format that is going to be used, $original_format is the one that was being used initially, the one that is stored in the database when editing).

Return value

string|false The XSS filtered string or FALSE when no XSS filtering needs to be applied, because one of the next conditions might occur:

  • No text editor is associated with the text format,
  • The previously defined text format is now disabled,
  • The text editor is safe from XSS,
  • The text format does not use any XSS protection filters.

See also



core/modules/editor/editor.module, line 280
Adds bindings for client-side "text editors" to text formats.


function editor_filter_xss($html, FilterFormatInterface $format = NULL, FilterFormatInterface $original_format = NULL) {
  $editor = $format ? editor_load($format->id()) : NULL;

  // If no text editor is associated with this text format or the previously
  // defined text format is now disabled, then we don't need text editor XSS
  // filtering either.
  if (!isset($editor)) {
    return FALSE;

  // If the text editor associated with this text format guarantees security,
  // then we also don't need text editor XSS filtering.
  $definition = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.editor')->getDefinition($editor->getEditor());
  if ($definition['is_xss_safe'] === TRUE) {
    return FALSE;

  // If there is no filter preventing XSS attacks in the text format being used,
  // then no text editor XSS filtering is needed either. (Because then the
  // editing user can already be attacked by merely viewing the content.)
  // e.g.: an admin user creates content in Full HTML and then edits it, no text
  // format switching happens; in this case, no text editor XSS filtering is
  // desirable, because it would strip style attributes, amongst others.
  $current_filter_types = $format->getFilterTypes();
  if (!in_array(FilterInterface::TYPE_HTML_RESTRICTOR, $current_filter_types, TRUE)) {
    if ($original_format === NULL) {
      return FALSE;
    // Unless we are switching from another text format, in which case we must
    // first check whether a filter preventing XSS attacks is used in that text
    // format, and if so, we must still apply XSS filtering.
    // e.g.: an anonymous user creates content in Restricted HTML, an admin user
    // edits it (then no XSS filtering is applied because no text editor is
    // used), and switches to Full HTML (for which a text editor is used). Then
    // we must apply XSS filtering to protect the admin user.
    else {
      $original_filter_types = $original_format->getFilterTypes();
      if (!in_array(FilterInterface::TYPE_HTML_RESTRICTOR, $original_filter_types, TRUE)) {
        return FALSE;

  // Otherwise, apply the text editor XSS filter. We use the default one unless
  // a module tells us to use a different one.
  $editor_xss_filter_class = '\Drupal\editor\EditorXssFilter\Standard';
  \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('editor_xss_filter', $editor_xss_filter_class, $format, $original_format);

  return call_user_func($editor_xss_filter_class . '::filterXss', $html, $format, $original_format);

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