
/Drupal 8

function node_modules_uninstalled


Implements hook_modules_uninstalled().


core/modules/node/node.module, line 1292
The core module that allows content to be submitted to the site.


function node_modules_uninstalled($modules) {
  // Check whether any of the disabled modules implemented hook_node_grants(),
  // in which case the node access table needs to be rebuilt.
  foreach ($modules as $module) {
    // At this point, the module is already disabled, but its code is still
    // loaded in memory. Module functions must no longer be called. We only
    // check whether a hook implementation function exists and do not invoke it.
    // Node access also needs to be rebuilt if language module is disabled to
    // remove any language-specific grants.
    if (!node_access_needs_rebuild() && (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->implementsHook($module, 'node_grants') || $module == 'language')) {

  // If there remains no more node_access module, rebuilding will be
  // straightforward, we can do it right now.
  if (node_access_needs_rebuild() && count(\Drupal::moduleHandler()->getImplementations('node_grants')) == 0) {

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