
/Drupal 8

function template_preprocess_responsive_image


Prepares variables for a responsive image.

Default template: responsive-image.html.twig.


$variables: An associative array containing:

  • uri: The URI of the image.
  • width: The width of the image (if known).
  • height: The height of the image (if known).
  • attributes: Associative array of attributes to be placed in the img tag.
  • responsive_image_style_id: The ID of the responsive image style.


core/modules/responsive_image/responsive_image.module, line 148
Responsive image display formatter for image fields.


function template_preprocess_responsive_image(&$variables) {
  // Make sure that width and height are proper values
  // If they exists we'll output them
  // @see http://www.w3.org/community/respimg/2012/06/18/florians-compromise/
  if (isset($variables['width']) && empty($variables['width'])) {
  elseif (isset($variables['height']) && empty($variables['height'])) {

  $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')->get($variables['uri']);
  $responsive_image_style = ResponsiveImageStyle::load($variables['responsive_image_style_id']);
  // If a responsive image style is not selected, log the error and stop
  // execution.
  if (!$responsive_image_style) {
    $variables['img_element'] = [];
    \Drupal::logger('responsive_image')->log(RfcLogLevel::ERROR, 'Failed to load responsive image style: “@style“ while displaying responsive image.', ['@style' => $variables['responsive_image_style_id']]);
  // Retrieve all breakpoints and multipliers and reverse order of breakpoints.
  // By default, breakpoints are ordered from smallest weight to largest:
  // the smallest weight is expected to have the smallest breakpoint width,
  // while the largest weight is expected to have the largest breakpoint
  // width. For responsive images, we need largest breakpoint widths first, so
  // we need to reverse the order of these breakpoints.
  $breakpoints = array_reverse(\Drupal::service('breakpoint.manager')->getBreakpointsByGroup($responsive_image_style->getBreakpointGroup()));
  foreach ($responsive_image_style->getKeyedImageStyleMappings() as $breakpoint_id => $multipliers) {
    if (isset($breakpoints[$breakpoint_id])) {
      $variables['sources'][] = responsive_image_build_source_attributes($image, $variables, $breakpoints[$breakpoint_id], $multipliers);

  if (isset($variables['sources']) && count($variables['sources']) === 1 && !isset($variables['sources'][0]['media'])) {
    // There is only one source tag with an empty media attribute. This means
    // we can output an image tag with the srcset attribute in stead of a
    // picture tag.
    $variables['output_image_tag'] = TRUE;
    foreach ($variables['sources'][0] as $attribute => $value) {
      if ($attribute != 'type') {
        $variables['attributes'][$attribute] = $value;
    $variables['img_element'] = array(
      '#theme' => 'image',
      '#uri' => _responsive_image_image_style_url($responsive_image_style->getFallbackImageStyle(), $image->getSource()),
  else {
    $variables['output_image_tag'] = FALSE;
    // Prepare the fallback image. Use srcset in the fallback image to avoid
    // unnecessary preloading of images in older browsers. See
    // http://scottjehl.github.io/picturefill/#using-picture and
    // http://scottjehl.github.io/picturefill/#gotchas for more information.
    $variables['img_element'] = array(
      '#theme' => 'image',
      '#srcset' => array(
          'uri' => _responsive_image_image_style_url($responsive_image_style->getFallbackImageStyle(), $image->getSource()),

  if (isset($variables['attributes'])) {
    if (isset($variables['attributes']['alt'])) {
      $variables['img_element']['#alt'] = $variables['attributes']['alt'];
    if (isset($variables['attributes']['title'])) {
      $variables['img_element']['#title'] = $variables['attributes']['title'];
    $variables['img_element']['#attributes'] = $variables['attributes'];

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