
/Drupal 8


Default theme implementation for a field.

To override output, copy the "field.html.twig" from the templates directory to your theme's directory and customize it, just like customizing other Drupal templates such as page.html.twig or node.html.twig.

Instead of overriding the theming for all fields, you can also just override theming for a subset of fields using Theme hook suggestions. For example, here are some theme hook suggestions that can be used for a field_foo field on an article node type:

Available variables:

  • attributes: HTML attributes for the containing element.
  • label_hidden: Whether to show the field label or not.
  • title_attributes: HTML attributes for the title.
  • label: The label for the field.
  • multiple: TRUE if a field can contain multiple items.
  • items: List of all the field items. Each item contains:
    • attributes: List of HTML attributes for each item.
    • content: The field item's content.
  • entity_type: The entity type to which the field belongs.
  • field_name: The name of the field.
  • field_type: The type of the field.
  • label_display: The display settings for the label.

See also




Related topics

Theme system overview
Functions and templates for the user interface that themes can override.

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