

Ember.ControllerMixin (private)

Uses: Ember.ActionHandler
Defined in: packages/ember-runtime/lib/mixins/controller.js:5
Module: ember

actions public

The collection of functions, keyed by name, available on this ActionHandler as action targets.

These functions will be invoked when a matching {{action}} is triggered from within a template and the application's current route is this route.

Actions can also be invoked from other parts of your application via ActionHandler#send.

The actions hash will inherit action handlers from the actions hash defined on extended parent classes or mixins rather than just replace the entire hash, e.g.:

App.CanDisplayBanner = Ember.Mixin.create({
  actions: {
    displayBanner(msg) {
      // ...

App.WelcomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend(App.CanDisplayBanner, {
  actions: {
    playMusic() {
      // ...

// `WelcomeRoute`, when active, will be able to respond
// to both actions, since the actions hash is merged rather
// then replaced when extending mixins / parent classes.

Within a Controller, Route or Component's action handler, the value of the this context is the Controller, Route or Component object:

App.SongRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  actions: {
    myAction() {

It is also possible to call this._super(...arguments) from within an action handler if it overrides a handler defined on a parent class or mixin:

Take for example the following routes:

App.DebugRoute = Ember.Mixin.create({
  actions: {
    debugRouteInformation() {

App.AnnoyingDebugRoute = Ember.Route.extend(App.DebugRoute, {
  actions: {
    debugRouteInformation() {
      // also call the debugRouteInformation of mixed in App.DebugRoute

      // show additional annoyance


By default, an action will stop bubbling once a handler defined on the actions hash handles it. To continue bubbling the action, you must return true from the handler:

App.Router.map(function() {
  this.route("album", function() {

App.AlbumRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  actions: {
    startPlaying: function() {

App.AlbumSongRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  actions: {
    startPlaying() {
      // ...

      if (actionShouldAlsoBeTriggeredOnParentRoute) {
        return true;

model public

The controller's current model. When retrieving or modifying a controller's model, this property should be used instead of the content property.

queryParams public

Defines which query parameters the controller accepts. If you give the names ['category','page'] it will bind the values of these query parameters to the variables this.category and this.page. By default, Ember coerces query parameter values using toggleProperty. This behavior may lead to unexpected results. To explicitly configure a query parameter property so it coerces as expected, you must define a type property:

  queryParams: [{
    category: {
      type: 'boolean'

target public

The object to which actions from the view should be sent.

For example, when a Handlebars template uses the {{action}} helper, it will attempt to send the action to the view's controller's target.

By default, the value of the target property is set to the router, and is injected when a controller is instantiated. This injection is applied as part of the application's initialization process. In most cases the target property will automatically be set to the logical consumer of actions for the controller.

© 2017 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale and Ember.js contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.