• Introduction: | ||
• ABORT : |
Abort the program | |
• ABS : |
Absolute value | |
• ACCESS : |
Checks file access modes | |
• ACHAR : |
Character in ASCII collating sequence | |
• ACOS : |
Arccosine function | |
• ACOSD : |
Arccosine function, degrees | |
• ACOSH : |
Inverse hyperbolic cosine function | |
Left adjust a string | |
Right adjust a string | |
• AIMAG : |
Imaginary part of complex number | |
• AINT : |
Truncate to a whole number | |
• ALARM : |
Set an alarm clock | |
• ALL : |
Determine if all values are true | |
Status of allocatable entity | |
• AND : |
Bitwise logical AND | |
• ANINT : |
Nearest whole number | |
• ANY : |
Determine if any values are true | |
• ASIN : |
Arcsine function | |
• ASIND : |
Arcsine function, degrees | |
• ASINH : |
Inverse hyperbolic sine function | |
Status of a pointer or pointer/target pair | |
• ATAN : |
Arctangent function | |
• ATAND : |
Arctangent function, degrees | |
• ATAN2 : |
Arctangent function | |
• ATAN2D : |
Arctangent function, degrees | |
• ATANH : |
Inverse hyperbolic tangent function | |
Atomic ADD operation | |
Atomic bitwise AND operation | |
Atomic compare and swap | |
Setting a variable atomically | |
Atomic ADD operation with prior fetch | |
Atomic bitwise AND operation with prior fetch | |
Atomic bitwise OR operation with prior fetch | |
Atomic bitwise XOR operation with prior fetch | |
Atomic bitwise OR operation | |
Obtaining the value of a variable atomically | |
Atomic bitwise OR operation | |
Show a backtrace | |
• BESSEL_J0 : |
Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 | |
• BESSEL_J1 : |
Bessel function of the first kind of order 1 | |
Bessel function of the first kind | |
• BESSEL_Y0 : |
Bessel function of the second kind of order 0 | |
• BESSEL_Y1 : |
Bessel function of the second kind of order 1 | |
Bessel function of the second kind | |
• BGE : |
Bitwise greater than or equal to | |
• BGT : |
Bitwise greater than | |
• BIT_SIZE : |
Bit size inquiry function | |
• BLE : |
Bitwise less than or equal to | |
• BLT : |
Bitwise less than | |
• BTEST : |
Bit test function | |
Status of a C pointer | |
Convert C into Fortran pointer | |
Convert C into Fortran procedure pointer | |
• C_FUNLOC : |
Obtain the C address of a procedure | |
• C_LOC : |
Obtain the C address of an object | |
• C_SIZEOF : |
Size in bytes of an expression | |
Integer ceiling function | |
• CHAR : |
Integer-to-character conversion function | |
• CHDIR : |
Change working directory | |
• CHMOD : |
Change access permissions of files | |
• CMPLX : |
Complex conversion function | |
Copy a value to all images the current set of images | |
• CO_MAX : |
Maximal value on the current set of images | |
• CO_MIN : |
Minimal value on the current set of images | |
Reduction of values on the current set of images | |
• CO_SUM : |
Sum of values on the current set of images | |
Get number of command line arguments | |
Options passed to the compiler | |
Compiler version string | |
Complex conversion function | |
• CONJG : |
Complex conjugate function | |
• COS : |
Cosine function | |
• COSD : |
Cosine function, degrees | |
• COSH : |
Hyperbolic cosine function | |
• COTAN : |
Cotangent function | |
• COTAND : |
Cotangent function, degrees | |
• COUNT : |
Count occurrences of TRUE in an array | |
• CPU_TIME : |
CPU time subroutine | |
• CSHIFT : |
Circular shift elements of an array | |
• CTIME : |
Subroutine (or function) to convert a time into a string | |
Date and time subroutine | |
• DBLE : |
Double precision conversion function | |
• DCMPLX : |
Double complex conversion function | |
• DIGITS : |
Significant digits function | |
• DIM : |
Positive difference | |
Dot product function | |
• DPROD : |
Double product function | |
• DREAL : |
Double real part function | |
Combined left shift | |
Combined right shift | |
• DTIME : |
Execution time subroutine (or function) | |
End-off shift elements of an array | |
Epsilon function | |
• ERF : |
Error function | |
• ERFC : |
Complementary error function | |
Exponentially-scaled complementary error function | |
• ETIME : |
Execution time subroutine (or function) | |
Query whether a coarray event has occurred | |
Execute a shell command | |
• EXIT : |
Exit the program with status. | |
• EXP : |
Exponential function | |
Exponent function | |
Query dynamic type for extension | |
• FDATE : |
Subroutine (or function) to get the current time as a string | |
• FGET : |
Read a single character in stream mode from stdin | |
• FGETC : |
Read a single character in stream mode | |
Search an array for a value | |
• FLOOR : |
Integer floor function | |
• FLUSH : |
Flush I/O unit(s) | |
• FNUM : |
File number function | |
• FPUT : |
Write a single character in stream mode to stdout | |
• FPUTC : |
Write a single character in stream mode | |
Fractional part of the model representation | |
• FREE : |
Memory de-allocation subroutine | |
• FSEEK : |
Low level file positioning subroutine | |
• FSTAT : |
Get file status | |
• FTELL : |
Current stream position | |
• GAMMA : |
Gamma function | |
• GERROR : |
Get last system error message | |
• GETARG : |
Get command line arguments | |
Get the entire command line | |
Get command line arguments | |
• GETCWD : |
Get current working directory | |
• GETENV : |
Get an environmental variable | |
Get an environmental variable | |
• GETGID : |
Group ID function | |
• GETLOG : |
Get login name | |
• GETPID : |
Process ID function | |
• GETUID : |
User ID function | |
• GMTIME : |
Convert time to GMT info | |
• HOSTNM : |
Get system host name | |
• HUGE : |
Largest number of a kind | |
• HYPOT : |
Euclidean distance function | |
• IACHAR : |
Code in ASCII collating sequence | |
• IALL : |
Bitwise AND of array elements | |
• IAND : |
Bitwise logical and | |
• IANY : |
Bitwise OR of array elements | |
• IARGC : |
Get the number of command line arguments | |
• IBCLR : |
Clear bit | |
• IBITS : |
Bit extraction | |
• IBSET : |
Set bit | |
• ICHAR : |
Character-to-integer conversion function | |
• IDATE : |
Current local time (day/month/year) | |
• IEOR : |
Bitwise logical exclusive or | |
• IERRNO : |
Function to get the last system error number | |
Cosubscript to image index conversion | |
• INDEX : |
Position of a substring within a string | |
• INT : |
Convert to integer type | |
• INT2 : |
Convert to 16-bit integer type | |
• INT8 : |
Convert to 64-bit integer type | |
• IOR : |
Bitwise logical or | |
Bitwise XOR of array elements | |
• IRAND : |
Integer pseudo-random number | |
Test whether an array is contiguous | |
Test for end-of-file value | |
Test for end-of-record value | |
• ISATTY : |
Whether a unit is a terminal device | |
• ISHFT : |
Shift bits | |
• ISHFTC : |
Shift bits circularly | |
• ISNAN : |
Tests for a NaN | |
• ITIME : |
Current local time (hour/minutes/seconds) | |
• KILL : |
Send a signal to a process | |
• KIND : |
Kind of an entity | |
• LBOUND : |
Lower dimension bounds of an array | |
Lower codimension bounds of an array | |
• LEADZ : |
Number of leading zero bits of an integer | |
• LEN : |
Length of a character entity | |
• LEN_TRIM : |
Length of a character entity without trailing blank characters | |
• LGE : |
Lexical greater than or equal | |
• LGT : |
Lexical greater than | |
• LINK : |
Create a hard link | |
• LLE : |
Lexical less than or equal | |
• LLT : |
Lexical less than | |
• LNBLNK : |
Index of the last non-blank character in a string | |
• LOC : |
Returns the address of a variable | |
• LOG : |
Logarithm function | |
• LOG10 : |
Base 10 logarithm function | |
Logarithm of the Gamma function | |
Convert to logical type | |
• LONG : |
Convert to integer type | |
• LSHIFT : |
Left shift bits | |
• LSTAT : |
Get file status | |
• LTIME : |
Convert time to local time info | |
• MALLOC : |
Dynamic memory allocation function | |
• MASKL : |
Left justified mask | |
• MASKR : |
Right justified mask | |
• MATMUL : |
matrix multiplication | |
• MAX : |
Maximum value of an argument list | |
Maximum exponent of a real kind | |
• MAXLOC : |
Location of the maximum value within an array | |
• MAXVAL : |
Maximum value of an array | |
• MCLOCK : |
Time function | |
• MCLOCK8 : |
Time function (64-bit) | |
• MERGE : |
Merge arrays | |
Merge of bits under mask | |
• MIN : |
Minimum value of an argument list | |
Minimum exponent of a real kind | |
• MINLOC : |
Location of the minimum value within an array | |
• MINVAL : |
Minimum value of an array | |
• MOD : |
Remainder function | |
• MODULO : |
Modulo function | |
Move allocation from one object to another | |
• MVBITS : |
Move bits from one integer to another | |
Nearest representable number | |
• NEW_LINE : |
New line character | |
• NINT : |
Nearest whole number | |
• NORM2 : |
Euclidean vector norm | |
• NOT : |
Logical negation | |
• NULL : |
Function that returns an disassociated pointer | |
Number of images | |
• OR : |
Bitwise logical OR | |
• PACK : |
Pack an array into an array of rank one | |
• PARITY : |
Reduction with exclusive OR | |
• PERROR : |
Print system error message | |
• POPCNT : |
Number of bits set | |
• POPPAR : |
Parity of the number of bits set | |
Decimal precision of a real kind | |
Determine whether an optional dummy argument is specified | |
Product of array elements | |
• RADIX : |
Base of a data model | |
• RAN : |
Real pseudo-random number | |
• RAND : |
Real pseudo-random number | |
Initialize pseudo-random number generator | |
Pseudo-random number | |
Initialize a pseudo-random number sequence | |
• RANGE : |
Decimal exponent range | |
• RANK : |
Rank of a data object | |
• REAL : |
Convert to real type | |
• RENAME : |
Rename a file | |
• REPEAT : |
Repeated string concatenation | |
Function to reshape an array | |
Reciprocal of the relative spacing | |
• RSHIFT : |
Right shift bits | |
Query dynamic types for equality | |
• SCALE : |
Scale a real value | |
• SCAN : |
Scan a string for the presence of a set of characters | |
• SECNDS : |
Time function | |
• SECOND : |
CPU time function | |
Choose character kind | |
Choose integer kind | |
Choose real kind | |
Set the exponent of the model | |
• SHAPE : |
Determine the shape of an array | |
• SHIFTA : |
Right shift with fill | |
• SHIFTL : |
Left shift | |
• SHIFTR : |
Right shift | |
• SIGN : |
Sign copying function | |
• SIGNAL : |
Signal handling subroutine (or function) | |
• SIN : |
Sine function | |
• SIND : |
Sine function, degrees | |
• SINH : |
Hyperbolic sine function | |
• SIZE : |
Function to determine the size of an array | |
• SIZEOF : |
Determine the size in bytes of an expression | |
• SLEEP : |
Sleep for the specified number of seconds | |
Smallest distance between two numbers of a given type | |
• SPREAD : |
Add a dimension to an array | |
• SQRT : |
Square-root function | |
• SRAND : |
Reinitialize the random number generator | |
• STAT : |
Get file status | |
Storage size in bits | |
• SUM : |
Sum of array elements | |
• SYMLNK : |
Create a symbolic link | |
• SYSTEM : |
Execute a shell command | |
Time function | |
• TAN : |
Tangent function | |
• TAND : |
Tangent function, degrees | |
• TANH : |
Hyperbolic tangent function | |
Cosubscript index of this image | |
• TIME : |
Time function | |
• TIME8 : |
Time function (64-bit) | |
• TINY : |
Smallest positive number of a real kind | |
• TRAILZ : |
Number of trailing zero bits of an integer | |
Transfer bit patterns | |
Transpose an array of rank two | |
• TRIM : |
Remove trailing blank characters of a string | |
• TTYNAM : |
Get the name of a terminal device. | |
• UBOUND : |
Upper dimension bounds of an array | |
Upper codimension bounds of an array | |
• UMASK : |
Set the file creation mask | |
• UNLINK : |
Remove a file from the file system | |
• UNPACK : |
Unpack an array of rank one into an array | |
• VERIFY : |
Scan a string for the absence of a set of characters | |
• XOR : |
Bitwise logical exclusive or |
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