
/Godot 3.2


Inherits: Joint < Spatial < Node < Object

Pin joint for 3D shapes.


Pin joint for 3D rigid bodies. It pins 2 bodies (rigid or static) together.


float params/bias 0.3
float params/damping 1.0
float params/impulse_clamp 0.0


float get_param ( Param param ) const
void set_param ( Param param, float value )


enum Param:

  • PARAM_BIAS = 0 --- The force with which the pinned objects stay in positional relation to each other. The higher, the stronger.
  • PARAM_DAMPING = 1 --- The force with which the pinned objects stay in velocity relation to each other. The higher, the stronger.
  • PARAM_IMPULSE_CLAMP = 2 --- If above 0, this value is the maximum value for an impulse that this Joint produces.

Property Descriptions

float params/bias

Default 0.3
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

The force with which the pinned objects stay in positional relation to each other. The higher, the stronger.

float params/damping

Default 1.0
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

The force with which the pinned objects stay in velocity relation to each other. The higher, the stronger.

float params/impulse_clamp

Default 0.0
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

If above 0, this value is the maximum value for an impulse that this Joint produces.

Method Descriptions

float get_param ( Param param ) const

Returns the value of the specified parameter.

void set_param ( Param param, float value )

Sets the value of the specified parameter.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.