
/Groovy 3.0

[Java] Class InnerClassNode

  • org.codehaus.groovy.ast.InnerClassNode
public class InnerClassNode
extends ClassNode

Represents an inner class declaration

Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class ClassNode EMPTY_ARRAY, SUPER, THIS, clazz, innerClasses, isPrimaryNode, lazyInitLock

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
InnerClassNode (ClassNode outerClass, String name, int modifiers, ClassNode superClass)
name - is the full name of the class
InnerClassNode (ClassNode outerClass, String name, int modifiers, ClassNode superClass, ClassNode[] interfaces, MixinNode[] mixins)
name - is the full name of the class

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
public void addConstructor(ConstructorNode node)
public ConstructorNode addConstructor(int modifiers, Parameter[] parameters, ClassNode[] exceptions, Statement code)
public ClassNode getOuterClass()
public FieldNode getOuterField(String name)
the field node on the outer class or null if this is not an inner class
public ClassNode getOuterMostClass()
public VariableScope getVariableScope()
public boolean isAnonymous()
public void setAnonymous(boolean anonymous)
public void setVariableScope(VariableScope scope)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class ClassNode addConstructor, addConstructor, addField, addField, addFieldFirst, addFieldFirst, addInterface, addMethod, addMethod, addMixin, addObjectInitializerStatements, addProperty, addProperty, addStaticInitializerStatements, addSyntheticMethod, addTransform, asGenericsType, declaresAnyInterfaces, declaresInterface, equals, getAbstractMethods, getAllDeclaredMethods, getAllInterfaces, getAnnotations, getAnnotations, getCompileUnit, getComponentType, getDeclaredConstructor, getDeclaredConstructors, getDeclaredField, getDeclaredMethod, getDeclaredMethods, getDeclaredMethodsMap, getEnclosingMethod, getField, getFieldIndex, getFields, getGenericsTypes, getGetterMethod, getGetterMethod, getInnerClasses, getInterfaces, getMethod, getMethods, getMethods, getMixins, getModifiers, getModule, getName, getNameWithoutPackage, getObjectInitializerStatements, getOuterClass, getOuterClasses, getOuterField, getPackage, getPackageName, getPlainNodeReference, getProperties, getProperty, getSetterMethod, getSetterMethod, getSuperClass, getText, getTransforms, getTypeClass, getUnresolvedInterfaces, getUnresolvedInterfaces, getUnresolvedName, getUnresolvedSuperClass, getUnresolvedSuperClass, hasDeclaredMethod, hasMethod, hasPackageName, hasPossibleMethod, hasPossibleStaticMethod, hasProperty, hashCode, implementsAnyInterfaces, implementsInterface, isAbstract, isAnnotated, isAnnotationDefinition, isArray, isDerivedFrom, isDerivedFromGroovyObject, isEnum, isGenericsPlaceHolder, isInterface, isPrimaryClassNode, isRedirectNode, isResolved, isScript, isScriptBody, isStaticClass, isSyntheticPublic, isUsingGenerics, makeArray, parametersEqual, positionStmtsAfterEnumInitStmts, redirect, removeConstructor, removeField, removeMethod, renameField, setAnnotated, setCompileUnit, setEnclosingMethod, setGenericsPlaceHolder, setGenericsTypes, setInterfaces, setMixins, setModifiers, setModule, setName, setRedirect, setScript, setScriptBody, setStaticClass, setSuperClass, setSyntheticPublic, setUnresolvedSuperClass, setUsingGenerics, toString, toString, tryFindPossibleMethod, visitContents
class AnnotatedNode addAnnotation, addAnnotations, getAnnotations, getAnnotations, getDeclaringClass, getGroovydoc, getInstance, hasNoRealSourcePosition, isSynthetic, setDeclaringClass, setHasNoRealSourcePosition, setSynthetic
class ASTNode copyNodeMetaData, getColumnNumber, getLastColumnNumber, getLastLineNumber, getLineNumber, getMetaDataMap, getText, setColumnNumber, setLastColumnNumber, setLastLineNumber, setLineNumber, setMetaDataMap, setSourcePosition, visit

Constructor Detail

public InnerClassNode(ClassNode outerClass, String name, int modifiers, ClassNode superClass)

name - is the full name of the class
modifiers - the modifiers,
superClass - the base class name - use "java.lang.Object" if no direct base class
See Also:

public InnerClassNode(ClassNode outerClass, String name, int modifiers, ClassNode superClass, ClassNode[] interfaces, MixinNode[] mixins)

name - is the full name of the class
modifiers - the modifiers,
superClass - the base class name - use "java.lang.Object" if no direct base class
See Also:

Method Detail

@Override public void addConstructor(ConstructorNode node)

@Override public ConstructorNode addConstructor(int modifiers, Parameter[] parameters, ClassNode[] exceptions, Statement code)

public ClassNode getOuterClass()

public FieldNode getOuterField(String name)

the field node on the outer class or null if this is not an inner class

public ClassNode getOuterMostClass()

public VariableScope getVariableScope()

public boolean isAnonymous()

public void setAnonymous(boolean anonymous)

public void setVariableScope(VariableScope scope)

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