
/Haskell 8


Copyright (c) Daniel Fischer 2010
License see libraries/base/LICENSE
Maintainer [email protected]
Stability internal
Portability non-portable (GHC Extensions)
Safe Haskell Trustworthy
Language Haskell2010


Methods for the RealFrac instances for Float and Double, with specialised versions for Int.

Moved to their own module to not bloat GHC.Float further.

Double methods

Integer results

properFractionDoubleInteger :: Double -> (Integer, Double) Source

truncateDoubleInteger :: Double -> Integer Source

floorDoubleInteger :: Double -> Integer Source

ceilingDoubleInteger :: Double -> Integer Source

roundDoubleInteger :: Double -> Integer Source

Int results

properFractionDoubleInt :: Double -> (Int, Double) Source

floorDoubleInt :: Double -> Int Source

ceilingDoubleInt :: Double -> Int Source

roundDoubleInt :: Double -> Int Source

Double/Int conversions, wrapped primops

double2Int :: Double -> Int Source

int2Double :: Int -> Double Source

Float methods

Integer results

properFractionFloatInteger :: Float -> (Integer, Float) Source

truncateFloatInteger :: Float -> Integer Source

floorFloatInteger :: Float -> Integer Source

ceilingFloatInteger :: Float -> Integer Source

roundFloatInteger :: Float -> Integer Source

Int results

properFractionFloatInt :: Float -> (Int, Float) Source

floorFloatInt :: Float -> Int Source

ceilingFloatInt :: Float -> Int Source

roundFloatInt :: Float -> Int Source

Float/Int conversions, wrapped primops

float2Int :: Float -> Int Source

int2Float :: Int -> Float Source

© The University of Glasgow and others
Licensed under a BSD-style license (see top of the page).