


package haxe.display

import haxe.display.Display

Available on all platforms

Methods of the JSON-RPC-based --display protocol in Haxe 4. A lot of the methods are inspired by the Language Server Protocol, but there is no intention to be directly compatible with it.

Static variables

staticinlineread onlyCompletion:HaxeRequestMethod<CompletionParams, CompletionResult> = new HaxeRequestMethod<CompletionParams,CompletionResult>("display/completion")

The completion request is sent from the client to Haxe to request code completion. Haxe automatically determines the type of completion to use based on the passed position, see CompletionResultKind.

staticinlineread onlyCompletionItemResolve:HaxeRequestMethod<CompletionItemResolveParams, CompletionItemResolveResult> = new HaxeRequestMethod<CompletionItemResolveParams,CompletionItemResolveResult>("display/completionItem/resolve")

The request is sent from the client to Haxe to resolve additional information for a given completion item.

staticinlineread onlyDeterminePackage:HaxeRequestMethod<FileParams, DeterminePackageResult> = new HaxeRequestMethod<FileParams,DeterminePackageResult>("display/package")

This request is sent from the client to Haxe to determine the package for a given file, based on class paths configuration.

staticinlineread onlyFindReferences:HaxeRequestMethod<FindReferencesParams, GotoDefinitionResult> = new HaxeRequestMethod<FindReferencesParams,GotoDefinitionResult>("display/references")

The find references request is sent from the client to Haxe to find locations that reference the symbol at a given text document position.

staticinlineread onlyGotoDefinition:HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams, GotoDefinitionResult> = new HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams,GotoDefinitionResult>("display/definition")

The goto definition request is sent from the client to Haxe to resolve the definition location(s) of a symbol at a given text document position.

staticinlineread onlyGotoImplementation:HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams, GotoDefinitionResult> = new HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams,GotoDefinitionResult>("display/implementation")

The goto implementation request is sent from the client to Haxe to resolve the implementation location(s) of a symbol at a given text document position.

staticinlineread onlyGotoTypeDefinition:HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams, GotoTypeDefinitionResult> = new HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams,GotoTypeDefinitionResult>("display/typeDefinition")

The goto type definition request is sent from the client to Haxe to resolve the type definition location(s) of a symbol at a given text document position.

staticinlineread onlyHover:HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams, HoverResult> = new HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams,HoverResult>("display/hover")

The hover request is sent from the client to Haxe to request hover information at a given text document position.

staticinlineread onlySignatureHelp:HaxeRequestMethod<SignatureHelpParams, SignatureHelpResult> = new HaxeRequestMethod<SignatureHelpParams,SignatureHelpResult>("display/signatureHelp")

The signature help request is sent from the client to Haxe to request signature information at a given cursor position.

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