


The Promise.withResolvers() static method returns an object containing a new Promise object and two functions to resolve or reject it, corresponding to the two parameters passed to the executor of the Promise() constructor.





Return value

A plain object containing the following properties:


A Promise object.


A function that resolves the promise. For its semantics, see the Promise() constructor reference.


A function that rejects the promise. For its semantics, see the Promise() constructor reference.


Promise.withResolvers() is exactly equivalent to the following code:

let resolve, reject;
const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
  resolve = res;
  reject = rej;

Except that it is more concise and does not require the use of let.

The key difference when using Promise.withResolvers() is that the resolution and rejection functions now live in the same scope as the promise itself, instead of being created and used once within the executor. This may enable some more advanced use cases, such as when reusing them for recurring events, particularly with streams and queues. This also generally results in less nesting than wrapping a lot of logic within the executor.

Promise.withResolvers() is generic and supports subclassing, which means it can be called on subclasses of Promise, and the result will contain a promise of the subclass type. To do so, the subclass's constructor must implement the same signature as the Promise() constructor — accepting a single executor function that can be called with the resolve and reject callbacks as parameters.


Transforming a stream to an async iterable

The use case of Promise.withResolvers() is when you have a promise that should be resolved or rejected by some event listener that cannot be wrapped inside the promise executor. The following example transforms a Node.js readable stream to an async iterable. Each promise here represents a single batch of data available, and each time the current batch is read, a new promise is created for the next batch. Note how the event listeners are only attached once, but actually call a different version of the resolve and reject functions each time.

async function* readableToAsyncIterable(stream) {
  let { promise, resolve, reject } = Promise.withResolvers();
  stream.on("error", (error) => reject(error));
  stream.on("end", () => resolve());
  stream.on("readable", () => resolve());

  while (stream.readable) {
    await promise;
    let chunk;
    while ((chunk = stream.read())) {
      yield chunk;
    ({ promise, resolve, reject } = Promise.withResolvers());

Calling withResolvers() on a non-Promise constructor

Promise.withResolvers() is a generic method. It can be called on any constructor that implements the same signature as the Promise() constructor. For example, we can call it on a constructor that passes console.log as the resolve and reject functions to executor:

class NotPromise {
  constructor(executor) {
    // The "resolve" and "reject" functions behave nothing like the native
    // promise's, but Promise.withResolvers() just returns them, as is.
      (value) => console.log("Resolved", value),
      (reason) => console.log("Rejected", reason),

const { promise, resolve, reject } = Promise.withResolvers.call(NotPromise);
// Logs: Resolved hello


Browser compatibility

Desktop Mobile Server
Chrome Edge Firefox Opera Safari Chrome Android Firefox for Android Opera Android Safari on IOS Samsung Internet WebView Android Deno Node.js
withResolvers 119 119 121 105 preview 119 121 79 No No 119 1.38 No

See also

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