class DatabaseManager implements ConnectionResolverInterface (View source)
protected Application | $app | The application instance. | |
protected ConnectionFactory | $factory | The database connection factory instance. | |
protected array | $connections | The active connection instances. | |
protected array | $extensions | The custom connection resolvers. | |
protected callable | $reconnector | The callback to be executed to reconnect to a database. |
void | __construct(Application $app, ConnectionFactory $factory) Create a new database manager instance. | |
ConnectionInterface | connection(string|null $name = null) Get a database connection instance. | |
array | parseConnectionName(string $name) Parse the connection into an array of the name and read / write type. | |
Connection | makeConnection(string $name) Make the database connection instance. | |
array | configuration(string $name) Get the configuration for a connection. | |
Connection | configure(Connection $connection, string $type) Prepare the database connection instance. | |
Connection | setPdoForType(Connection $connection, string|null $type = null) Prepare the read / write mode for database connection instance. | |
void | purge(string|null $name = null) Disconnect from the given database and remove from local cache. | |
void | disconnect(string|null $name = null) Disconnect from the given database. | |
Connection | reconnect(string|null $name = null) Reconnect to the given database. | |
Connection | refreshPdoConnections(string $name) Refresh the PDO connections on a given connection. | |
string | getDefaultConnection() Get the default connection name. | |
void | setDefaultConnection(string $name) Set the default connection name. | |
array | supportedDrivers() Get all of the support drivers. | |
array | availableDrivers() Get all of the drivers that are actually available. | |
void | extend(string $name, callable $resolver) Register an extension connection resolver. | |
array | getConnections() Return all of the created connections. | |
void | setReconnector(callable $reconnector) Set the database reconnector callback. | |
mixed | __call(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically pass methods to the default connection. |
Create a new database manager instance.
Get a database connection instance.
Parse the connection into an array of the name and read / write type.
Make the database connection instance.
Get the configuration for a connection.
Prepare the database connection instance.
Prepare the read / write mode for database connection instance.
Disconnect from the given database and remove from local cache.
Disconnect from the given database.
Reconnect to the given database.
Refresh the PDO connections on a given connection.
Get the default connection name.
Set the default connection name.
Get all of the support drivers.
Get all of the drivers that are actually available.
Register an extension connection resolver.
Return all of the created connections.
Set the database reconnector callback.
Dynamically pass methods to the default connection.
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