class SeederMakeCommand extends GeneratorCommand (View source)
CallsCommands | |
HasParameters | |
InteractsWithIO | |
Macroable |
protected InputInterface | $input | The input interface implementation. | from InteractsWithIO |
protected OutputStyle | $output | The output interface implementation. | from InteractsWithIO |
protected int | $verbosity | The default verbosity of output commands. | from InteractsWithIO |
protected array | $verbosityMap | The mapping between human readable verbosity levels and Symfony's OutputInterface. | from InteractsWithIO |
static protected array | $macros | The registered string macros. | from Macroable |
protected Application | $laravel | The Laravel application instance. | from Command |
protected string | $signature | The name and signature of the console command. | from Command |
protected string | $name | The console command name. | |
protected string | $description | The console command description. | |
protected string|null | $help | The console command help text. | from Command |
$hidden | Indicates whether the command should be shown in the Artisan command list. | from Command | |
protected Filesystem | $files | The filesystem instance. | from GeneratorCommand |
protected string | $type | The type of class being generated. | |
protected string[] | $reservedNames | Reserved names that cannot be used for generation. | from GeneratorCommand |
Command | resolveCommand(Command|string $command) Resolve the console command instance for the given command. | from CallsCommands |
int | call(Command|string $command, array $arguments = []) Call another console command. | from CallsCommands |
int | callSilent(Command|string $command, array $arguments = []) Call another console command silently. | from CallsCommands |
int | runCommand(Command|string $command, array $arguments, OutputInterface $output) Run the given the console command. | from CallsCommands |
ArrayInput | createInputFromArguments(array $arguments) Create an input instance from the given arguments. | from CallsCommands |
array | context() Get all of the context passed to the command. | from CallsCommands |
void | specifyParameters() Specify the arguments and options on the command. | from HasParameters |
array | getArguments() Get the console command arguments. | from HasParameters |
array | getOptions() Get the console command options. | from HasParameters |
bool | hasArgument(string|int $name) Determine if the given argument is present. | from InteractsWithIO |
string|array|null | argument(string|null $key = null) Get the value of a command argument. | from InteractsWithIO |
array | arguments() Get all of the arguments passed to the command. | from InteractsWithIO |
bool | hasOption(string $name) Determine if the given option is present. | from InteractsWithIO |
string|array|bool|null | option(string|null $key = null) Get the value of a command option. | from InteractsWithIO |
array | options() Get all of the options passed to the command. | from InteractsWithIO |
bool | confirm(string $question, bool $default = false) Confirm a question with the user. | from InteractsWithIO |
mixed | ask(string $question, string|null $default = null) Prompt the user for input. | from InteractsWithIO |
mixed | anticipate(string $question, array|callable $choices, string|null $default = null) Prompt the user for input with auto completion. | from InteractsWithIO |
mixed | askWithCompletion(string $question, array|callable $choices, string|null $default = null) Prompt the user for input with auto completion. | from InteractsWithIO |
mixed | secret(string $question, bool $fallback = true) Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console. | from InteractsWithIO |
string|array | choice(string $question, array $choices, string|null $default = null, mixed|null $attempts = null, bool $multiple = false) Give the user a single choice from an array of answers. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | table(array $headers, Arrayable|array $rows, string $tableStyle = 'default', array $columnStyles = []) Format input to textual table. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | info(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null) Write a string as information output. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | line(string $string, string|null $style = null, int|string|null $verbosity = null) Write a string as standard output. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | comment(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null) Write a string as comment output. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | question(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null) Write a string as question output. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | error(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null) Write a string as error output. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | warn(string $string, int|string|null $verbosity = null) Write a string as warning output. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | alert(string $string) Write a string in an alert box. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | newLine(int $count = 1) Write a blank line. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | setInput(InputInterface $input) Set the input interface implementation. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | setOutput(OutputStyle $output) Set the output interface implementation. | from InteractsWithIO |
void | setVerbosity(string|int $level) Set the verbosity level. | from InteractsWithIO |
int | parseVerbosity(string|int|null $level = null) Get the verbosity level in terms of Symfony's OutputInterface level. | from InteractsWithIO |
OutputStyle | getOutput() Get the output implementation. | from InteractsWithIO |
static void | macro(string $name, object|callable $macro) Register a custom macro. | from Macroable |
static void | mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true) Mix another object into the class. | from Macroable |
static bool | hasMacro(string $name) Checks if macro is registered. | from Macroable |
static mixed | __callStatic(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically handle calls to the class. | from Macroable |
mixed | __call(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically handle calls to the class. | from Macroable |
void | __construct(Filesystem $files) Create a new controller creator command instance. | from GeneratorCommand |
void | configureUsingFluentDefinition() Configure the console command using a fluent definition. | from Command |
int | run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) Run the console command. | from Command |
int | execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) Execute the console command. | from Command |
isHidden() {@inheritdoc} | from Command | |
setHidden(bool $hidden) {@inheritdoc} | from Command | |
Application | getLaravel() Get the Laravel application instance. | from Command |
void | setLaravel(Container $laravel) Set the Laravel application instance. | from Command |
string | getStub() Get the stub file for the generator. | |
bool|null | handle() Execute the console command. | |
string | qualifyClass(string $name) Parse the class name and format according to the root namespace. | |
string | qualifyModel(string $model) Qualify the given model class base name. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | getDefaultNamespace(string $rootNamespace) Get the default namespace for the class. | from GeneratorCommand |
bool | alreadyExists(string $rawName) Determine if the class already exists. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | getPath(string $name) Get the destination class path. | |
string | makeDirectory(string $path) Build the directory for the class if necessary. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | buildClass(string $name) Build the class with the given name. | from GeneratorCommand |
$this | replaceNamespace(string $stub, string $name) Replace the namespace for the given stub. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | getNamespace(string $name) Get the full namespace for a given class, without the class name. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | replaceClass(string $stub, string $name) Replace the class name for the given stub. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | sortImports(string $stub) Alphabetically sorts the imports for the given stub. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | getNameInput() Get the desired class name from the input. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | rootNamespace() Get the root namespace for the class. | from GeneratorCommand |
string|null | userProviderModel() Get the model for the default guard's user provider. | from GeneratorCommand |
bool | isReservedName(string $name) Checks whether the given name is reserved. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | viewPath(string $path = '') Get the first view directory path from the application configuration. | from GeneratorCommand |
string | resolveStubPath(string $stub) Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub. |
Resolve the console command instance for the given command.
Call another console command.
Call another console command silently.
Run the given the console command.
Create an input instance from the given arguments.
Get all of the context passed to the command.
Specify the arguments and options on the command.
Get the console command arguments.
Get the console command options.
Determine if the given argument is present.
Get the value of a command argument.
Get all of the arguments passed to the command.
Determine if the given option is present.
Get the value of a command option.
Get all of the options passed to the command.
Confirm a question with the user.
Prompt the user for input.
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
Prompt the user for input with auto completion.
Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console.
Give the user a single choice from an array of answers.
Format input to textual table.
Write a string as information output.
Write a string as standard output.
Write a string as comment output.
Write a string as question output.
Write a string as error output.
Write a string as warning output.
Write a string in an alert box.
Write a blank line.
Set the input interface implementation.
Set the output interface implementation.
Set the verbosity level.
Get the verbosity level in terms of Symfony's OutputInterface level.
Get the output implementation.
Register a custom macro.
Mix another object into the class.
Checks if macro is registered.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Create a new controller creator command instance.
Configure the console command using a fluent definition.
Run the console command.
Execute the console command.
Get the Laravel application instance.
Set the Laravel application instance.
Get the stub file for the generator.
Execute the console command.
Parse the class name and format according to the root namespace.
Qualify the given model class base name.
Get the default namespace for the class.
Determine if the class already exists.
Get the destination class path.
Build the directory for the class if necessary.
Build the class with the given name.
Replace the namespace for the given stub.
Get the full namespace for a given class, without the class name.
Replace the class name for the given stub.
Alphabetically sorts the imports for the given stub.
Get the desired class name from the input.
Get the root namespace for the class.
Get the model for the default guard's user provider.
Checks whether the given name is reserved.
Get the first view directory path from the application configuration.
Resolve the fully-qualified path to the stub.
© Taylor Otwell
Licensed under the MIT License.
Laravel is a trademark of Taylor Otwell.