class LogManager implements LoggerInterface (View source)
ParsesLogConfiguration |
protected array | $levels | The Log levels. | from ParsesLogConfiguration |
protected Application | $app | The application instance. | |
protected array | $channels | The array of resolved channels. | |
protected array | $customCreators | The registered custom driver creators. | |
protected string | $dateFormat | The standard date format to use when writing logs. |
string | getFallbackChannelName() Get fallback log channel name. | |
int | level(array $config) Parse the string level into a Monolog constant. | from ParsesLogConfiguration |
string | parseChannel(array $config) Extract the log channel from the given configuration. | from ParsesLogConfiguration |
void | __construct(Application $app) Create a new Log manager instance. | |
LoggerInterface | stack(array $channels, string|null $channel = null) Create a new, on-demand aggregate logger instance. | |
LoggerInterface | channel(string|null $channel = null) Get a log channel instance. | |
LoggerInterface | driver(string|null $driver = null) Get a log driver instance. | |
array | getChannels() No description | |
LoggerInterface | get(string $name) Attempt to get the log from the local cache. | |
Logger | tap(string $name, Logger $logger) Apply the configured taps for the logger. | |
array | parseTap(string $tap) Parse the given tap class string into a class name and arguments string. | |
LoggerInterface | createEmergencyLogger() Create an emergency log handler to avoid white screens of death. | |
LoggerInterface | resolve(string $name) Resolve the given log instance by name. | |
mixed | callCustomCreator(array $config) Call a custom driver creator. | |
LoggerInterface | createCustomDriver(array $config) Create a custom log driver instance. | |
LoggerInterface | createStackDriver(array $config) Create an aggregate log driver instance. | |
LoggerInterface | createSingleDriver(array $config) Create an instance of the single file log driver. | |
LoggerInterface | createDailyDriver(array $config) Create an instance of the daily file log driver. | |
LoggerInterface | createSlackDriver(array $config) Create an instance of the Slack log driver. | |
LoggerInterface | createSyslogDriver(array $config) Create an instance of the syslog log driver. | |
LoggerInterface | createErrorlogDriver(array $config) Create an instance of the "error log" log driver. | |
LoggerInterface | createMonologDriver(array $config) Create an instance of any handler available in Monolog. | |
array | prepareHandlers(array $handlers) Prepare the handlers for usage by Monolog. | |
HandlerInterface | prepareHandler(HandlerInterface $handler, array $config = []) Prepare the handler for usage by Monolog. | |
FormatterInterface | formatter() Get a Monolog formatter instance. | |
array | configurationFor(string $name) Get the log connection configuration. | |
string | getDefaultDriver() Get the default log driver name. | |
void | setDefaultDriver(string $name) Set the default log driver name. | |
$this | extend(string $driver, Closure $callback) Register a custom driver creator Closure. | |
$this | forgetChannel(string|null $driver = null) Unset the given channel instance. | |
void | emergency(string $message, array $context = []) System is unusable. | |
void | alert(string $message, array $context = []) Action must be taken immediately. | |
void | critical(string $message, array $context = []) Critical conditions. | |
void | error(string $message, array $context = []) Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored. | |
void | warning(string $message, array $context = []) Exceptional occurrences that are not errors. | |
void | notice(string $message, array $context = []) Normal but significant events. | |
void | info(string $message, array $context = []) Interesting events. | |
void | debug(string $message, array $context = []) Detailed debug information. | |
void | log(mixed $level, string $message, array $context = []) Logs with an arbitrary level. | |
mixed | __call(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically call the default driver instance. |
Get fallback log channel name.
Parse the string level into a Monolog constant.
Extract the log channel from the given configuration.
Create a new Log manager instance.
Create a new, on-demand aggregate logger instance.
Get a log channel instance.
Get a log driver instance.
Attempt to get the log from the local cache.
Parse the given tap class string into a class name and arguments string.
Create an emergency log handler to avoid white screens of death.
Resolve the given log instance by name.
Call a custom driver creator.
Create a custom log driver instance.
Create an aggregate log driver instance.
Create an instance of the single file log driver.
Create an instance of the daily file log driver.
Create an instance of the Slack log driver.
Create an instance of the syslog log driver.
Create an instance of the "error log" log driver.
Create an instance of any handler available in Monolog.
Prepare the handlers for usage by Monolog.
Prepare the handler for usage by Monolog.
Get a Monolog formatter instance.
Get the log connection configuration.
Get the default log driver name.
Set the default log driver name.
Register a custom driver creator Closure.
Unset the given channel instance.
System is unusable.
Action must be taken immediately.
Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. This should trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up.
Critical conditions.
Example: Application component unavailable, unexpected exception.
Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored.
Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
Example: Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of an API, undesirable things that are not necessarily wrong.
Normal but significant events.
Interesting events.
Example: User logs in, SQL logs.
Detailed debug information.
Logs with an arbitrary level.
Dynamically call the default driver instance.
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