class Worker (View source)
DetectsLostConnections |
protected string | $name | The name of the worker. | |
protected Factory | $manager | The queue manager instance. | |
protected Dispatcher | $events | The event dispatcher instance. | |
protected Repository | $cache | The cache repository implementation. | |
protected ExceptionHandler | $exceptions | The exception handler instance. | |
protected callable | $isDownForMaintenance | The callback used to determine if the application is in maintenance mode. | |
bool | $shouldQuit | Indicates if the worker should exit. | |
bool | $paused | Indicates if the worker is paused. | |
static protected callable[] | $popCallbacks | The callbacks used to pop jobs from queues. |
bool | causedByLostConnection(Throwable $e) Determine if the given exception was caused by a lost connection. | from DetectsLostConnections |
void | __construct(Factory $manager, Dispatcher $events, ExceptionHandler $exceptions, callable $isDownForMaintenance) Create a new queue worker. | |
int | daemon(string $connectionName, string $queue, WorkerOptions $options) Listen to the given queue in a loop. | |
void | registerTimeoutHandler(Job|null $job, WorkerOptions $options) Register the worker timeout handler. | |
void | resetTimeoutHandler() Reset the worker timeout handler. | |
int | timeoutForJob(Job|null $job, WorkerOptions $options) Get the appropriate timeout for the given job. | |
bool | daemonShouldRun(WorkerOptions $options, string $connectionName, string $queue) Determine if the daemon should process on this iteration. | |
int|null | pauseWorker(WorkerOptions $options, int $lastRestart) Pause the worker for the current loop. | |
int|null | stopIfNecessary(WorkerOptions $options, int $lastRestart, int $startTime = 0, int $jobsProcessed = 0, mixed $job = null) Determine the exit code to stop the process if necessary. | |
void | runNextJob(string $connectionName, string $queue, WorkerOptions $options) Process the next job on the queue. | |
Job|null | getNextJob(Queue $connection, string $queue) Get the next job from the queue connection. | |
void | runJob(Job $job, string $connectionName, WorkerOptions $options) Process the given job. | |
void | stopWorkerIfLostConnection(Throwable $e) Stop the worker if we have lost connection to a database. | |
void | process(string $connectionName, Job $job, WorkerOptions $options) Process the given job from the queue. | |
void | handleJobException(string $connectionName, Job $job, WorkerOptions $options, Throwable $e) Handle an exception that occurred while the job was running. | |
void | markJobAsFailedIfAlreadyExceedsMaxAttempts(string $connectionName, Job $job, int $maxTries) Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts. | |
void | markJobAsFailedIfWillExceedMaxAttempts(string $connectionName, Job $job, int $maxTries, Throwable $e) Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts. | |
void | markJobAsFailedIfWillExceedMaxExceptions(string $connectionName, Job $job, Throwable $e) Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts. | |
void | failJob(Job $job, Throwable $e) Mark the given job as failed and raise the relevant event. | |
int | calculateBackoff(Job $job, WorkerOptions $options) Calculate the backoff for the given job. | |
void | raiseBeforeJobEvent(string $connectionName, Job $job) Raise the before queue job event. | |
void | raiseAfterJobEvent(string $connectionName, Job $job) Raise the after queue job event. | |
void | raiseExceptionOccurredJobEvent(string $connectionName, Job $job, Throwable $e) Raise the exception occurred queue job event. | |
bool | queueShouldRestart(int|null $lastRestart) Determine if the queue worker should restart. | |
int|null | getTimestampOfLastQueueRestart() Get the last queue restart timestamp, or null. | |
void | listenForSignals() Enable async signals for the process. | |
bool | supportsAsyncSignals() Determine if "async" signals are supported. | |
bool | memoryExceeded(int $memoryLimit) Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded. | |
int | stop(int $status = 0) Stop listening and bail out of the script. | |
void | kill(int $status = 0) Kill the process. | |
MaxAttemptsExceededException | maxAttemptsExceededException(Job $job) Create an instance of MaxAttemptsExceededException. | |
void | sleep(int|float $seconds) Sleep the script for a given number of seconds. | |
$this | setCache(Repository $cache) Set the cache repository implementation. | |
$this | setName(string $name) Set the name of the worker. | |
static void | popUsing(string $workerName, callable $callback) Register a callback to be executed to pick jobs. | |
QueueManager | getManager() Get the queue manager instance. | |
void | setManager(Factory $manager) Set the queue manager instance. |
Determine if the given exception was caused by a lost connection.
Create a new queue worker.
Listen to the given queue in a loop.
Register the worker timeout handler.
Reset the worker timeout handler.
Get the appropriate timeout for the given job.
Determine if the daemon should process on this iteration.
Pause the worker for the current loop.
Determine the exit code to stop the process if necessary.
Process the next job on the queue.
Get the next job from the queue connection.
Process the given job.
Stop the worker if we have lost connection to a database.
Process the given job from the queue.
Handle an exception that occurred while the job was running.
Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts.
This will likely be because the job previously exceeded a timeout.
Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts.
Mark the given job as failed if it has exceeded the maximum allowed attempts.
Mark the given job as failed and raise the relevant event.
Calculate the backoff for the given job.
Raise the before queue job event.
Raise the after queue job event.
Raise the exception occurred queue job event.
Determine if the queue worker should restart.
Get the last queue restart timestamp, or null.
Enable async signals for the process.
Determine if "async" signals are supported.
Determine if the memory limit has been exceeded.
Stop listening and bail out of the script.
Kill the process.
Create an instance of MaxAttemptsExceededException.
Sleep the script for a given number of seconds.
Set the cache repository implementation.
Set the name of the worker.
Register a callback to be executed to pick jobs.
Get the queue manager instance.
Set the queue manager instance.
© Taylor Otwell
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