class PhpRedisClusterConnection extends PhpRedisConnection (View source)
Macroable |
static protected array | $macros | The registered string macros. | from Macroable |
protected Redis | $client | The Redis client. | from Connection |
protected string|null | $name | The Redis connection name. | from Connection |
protected Dispatcher | $events | The event dispatcher instance. | from Connection |
protected callable | $connector | The connection creation callback. | from PhpRedisConnection |
protected array | $config | The connection configuration array. | from PhpRedisConnection |
static void | macro(string $name, object|callable $macro) Register a custom macro. | from Macroable |
static void | mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true) Mix another object into the class. | from Macroable |
static bool | hasMacro(string $name) Checks if macro is registered. | from Macroable |
static mixed | __callStatic(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically handle calls to the class. | from Macroable |
mixed | __call(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically handle calls to the class. | from Macroable |
void | createSubscription(array|string $channels, Closure $callback, string $method = 'subscribe') Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages. | from PhpRedisConnection |
ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder | funnel(string $name) Funnel a callback for a maximum number of simultaneous executions. | from Connection |
DurationLimiterBuilder | throttle(string $name) Throttle a callback for a maximum number of executions over a given duration. | from Connection |
mixed | client() Get the underlying Redis client. | from Connection |
void | subscribe(array|string $channels, Closure $callback) Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages. | from PhpRedisConnection |
void | psubscribe(array|string $channels, Closure $callback) Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards. | from PhpRedisConnection |
mixed | command(string $method, array $parameters = []) Run a command against the Redis database. | from PhpRedisConnection |
void | event(mixed $event) Fire the given event if possible. | from Connection |
void | listen(Closure $callback) Register a Redis command listener with the connection. | from Connection |
string|null | getName() Get the connection name. | from Connection |
$this | setName(string $name) Set the connections name. | from Connection |
Dispatcher | getEventDispatcher() Get the event dispatcher used by the connection. | from Connection |
void | setEventDispatcher(Dispatcher $events) Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection. | from Connection |
void | unsetEventDispatcher() Unset the event dispatcher instance on the connection. | from Connection |
void | __construct(Redis $client, callable $connector = null, array $config = []) Create a new PhpRedis connection. | from PhpRedisConnection |
string|null | get(string $key) Returns the value of the given key. | from PhpRedisConnection |
array | mget(array $keys) Get the values of all the given keys. | from PhpRedisConnection |
bool | set(string $key, mixed $value, string|null $expireResolution = null, int|null $expireTTL = null, string|null $flag = null) Set the string value in argument as value of the key. | from PhpRedisConnection |
int | setnx(string $key, string $value) Set the given key if it doesn't exist. | from PhpRedisConnection |
array | hmget(string $key, mixed ...$dictionary) Get the value of the given hash fields. | from PhpRedisConnection |
int | hmset(string $key, mixed ...$dictionary) Set the given hash fields to their respective values. | from PhpRedisConnection |
int | hsetnx(string $hash, string $key, string $value) Set the given hash field if it doesn't exist. | from PhpRedisConnection |
int|false | lrem(string $key, int $count, mixed $value) Removes the first count occurrences of the value element from the list. | from PhpRedisConnection |
array|null | blpop(mixed ...$arguments) Removes and returns the first element of the list stored at key. | from PhpRedisConnection |
array|null | brpop(mixed ...$arguments) Removes and returns the last element of the list stored at key. | from PhpRedisConnection |
mixed|false | spop(string $key, int|null $count = 1) Removes and returns a random element from the set value at key. | from PhpRedisConnection |
int | zadd(string $key, mixed ...$dictionary) Add one or more members to a sorted set or update its score if it already exists. | from PhpRedisConnection |
array | zrangebyscore(string $key, mixed $min, mixed $max, array $options = []) Return elements with score between $min and $max. | from PhpRedisConnection |
array | zrevrangebyscore(string $key, mixed $min, mixed $max, array $options = []) Return elements with score between $min and $max. | from PhpRedisConnection |
int | zinterstore(string $output, array $keys, array $options = []) Find the intersection between sets and store in a new set. | from PhpRedisConnection |
int | zunionstore(string $output, array $keys, array $options = []) Find the union between sets and store in a new set. | from PhpRedisConnection |
mixed | scan(mixed $cursor, array $options = []) Scans all keys based on options. | from PhpRedisConnection |
mixed | zscan(string $key, mixed $cursor, array $options = []) Scans the given set for all values based on options. | from PhpRedisConnection |
mixed | hscan(string $key, mixed $cursor, array $options = []) Scans the given hash for all values based on options. | from PhpRedisConnection |
mixed | sscan(string $key, mixed $cursor, array $options = []) Scans the given set for all values based on options. | from PhpRedisConnection |
Redis|array | pipeline(callable $callback = null) Execute commands in a pipeline. | from PhpRedisConnection |
Redis|array | transaction(callable $callback = null) Execute commands in a transaction. | from PhpRedisConnection |
mixed | evalsha(string $script, int $numkeys, mixed ...$arguments) Evaluate a LUA script serverside, from the SHA1 hash of the script instead of the script itself. | from PhpRedisConnection |
mixed | eval(string $script, int $numberOfKeys, dynamic ...$arguments) Evaluate a script and return its result. | from PhpRedisConnection |
void | flushdb() Flush the selected Redis database. | from PhpRedisConnection |
mixed | executeRaw(array $parameters) Execute a raw command. | from PhpRedisConnection |
void | disconnect() Disconnects from the Redis instance. | from PhpRedisConnection |
Register a custom macro.
Mix another object into the class.
Checks if macro is registered.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
Funnel a callback for a maximum number of simultaneous executions.
Throttle a callback for a maximum number of executions over a given duration.
Get the underlying Redis client.
Subscribe to a set of given channels for messages.
Subscribe to a set of given channels with wildcards.
Run a command against the Redis database.
Fire the given event if possible.
Register a Redis command listener with the connection.
Get the connection name.
Set the connections name.
Get the event dispatcher used by the connection.
Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection.
Unset the event dispatcher instance on the connection.
Create a new PhpRedis connection.
Returns the value of the given key.
Get the values of all the given keys.
Set the string value in argument as value of the key.
Set the given key if it doesn't exist.
Get the value of the given hash fields.
Set the given hash fields to their respective values.
Set the given hash field if it doesn't exist.
Removes the first count occurrences of the value element from the list.
Removes and returns the first element of the list stored at key.
Removes and returns the last element of the list stored at key.
Removes and returns a random element from the set value at key.
Add one or more members to a sorted set or update its score if it already exists.
Return elements with score between $min and $max.
Return elements with score between $min and $max.
Find the intersection between sets and store in a new set.
Find the union between sets and store in a new set.
Scans all keys based on options.
Scans the given set for all values based on options.
Scans the given hash for all values based on options.
Scans the given set for all values based on options.
Execute commands in a pipeline.
Execute commands in a transaction.
Evaluate a LUA script serverside, from the SHA1 hash of the script instead of the script itself.
Evaluate a script and return its result.
Flush the selected Redis database.
Execute a raw command.
Disconnects from the Redis instance.
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