ColumnStore supports the following data types:
Datatypes | Column Size | Description |
BOOLEAN | 1 byte | A synonym for "TINYINT(1)". Supported from version 1.2.0 onwards. |
TINYINT | 1-byte | A very small integer. Numeric value with scale 0. Signed: -126 to +127. Unsigned: 0 to 253. |
SMALLINT | 2-bytes | A small integer. Signed: -32,766 to 32,767. Unsigned: 0 to 65,533. |
INTEGER/INT | 4-bytes | A normal-size integer. Numeric value with scale 0. Signed: -2,147,483,646 to 2,147,483,647. Unsigned: 0 to 4,294,967,293 |
BIGINT | 8-bytes | A large integer. Numeric value with scale 0. Signed: -9,223,372,036,854,775,806 to+9,223,372,036,854,775,807 Unsigned: 0 to +18,446,744,073,709,551,613 |
DECIMAL/NUMERIC | 2, 4, or 8 bytes | A packed fixed-point number that can have a specific total number of digits and with a set number of digits after a decimal. The maximum precision (total number of digits) that can be specified is 18. |
FLOAT | 4 bytes | Stored in 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point format. As such, the number of significant digits is about 6and the range of values is approximately +/- 1e38.The MySQL extension to specify precision and scale is not supported. |
DOUBLE/REAL | 8 bytes | Stored in 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point format. As such, the number of significant digits is about 15 and the range of values is approximately +/-1e308. The MySQL extension to specify precision and scale is not supported. “REAL” is a synonym for “DOUBLE”. |
Datatypes | Column Size | Description |
CHAR | 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes | Holds letters and special characters of fixed length. Max length is 255. Default and minimum size is 1 byte. |
VARCHAR | 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes or 8-byte token | Holds letters, numbers, and special characters of variable length. Max length = 8000 bytes or characters and minimum length = 1 byte or character. |
TINYTEXT | 255 bytes | Holds a small amount of letters, numbers, and special characters of variable length. Supported from version 1.1.0 onwards. |
TINYBLOB | 255 bytes | Holds a small amount of binary data of variable length. Supported from version 1.1.0 onwards. |
TEXT | 64 KB | Holds letters, numbers, and special characters of variable length. Supported from version 1.1.0 onwards. |
BLOB | 64 KB | Holds binary data of variable length. Supported from version 1.1.0 onwards. |
MEDIUMTEXT | 16 MB | Holds a medium amount of letters, numbers, and special characters of variable length. Supported from version 1.1.0 onwards. |
MEDIUMBLOB | 16 MB | Holds a medium amount of binary data of variable length. Supported from version 1.1.0 onwards. |
LONGTEXT | 1.96 GB | Holds a large amount of letters, numbers, and special characters of variable length. Supported from version 1.1.0 onwards. |
LONGBLOB | 1.96 GB | Holds a large amount of binary data of variable length. Supported from version 1.1.0 onwards. |
Datatypes | Column Size | Description |
DATE | 4-bytes | Date has year, month, and day. The internal representation of a date is a string of 4 bytes. The first 2 bytes represent the year, .5 bytes the month, and .75 bytes the day in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. Supported range is 1000-01-01 to 9999-12-31. |
DATETIME | 8-bytes | A date and time combination. Supported range is 1000-01-01 00:00:00 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59. From version 1.2.0 microseconds are also supported. |
TIME | 8 bytes | Holds hour, minute, second and optionally microseconds for time. Supported range is '-838:59:59.999999' to '838:59:59.999999'. Supported from version 1.2.0 onwards. |
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