for conversions> fill {flags}
--width, -w {int}
: The width of the output. Defaults to 1--alignment, -a {string}
: The alignment of the output. Defaults to Left (Left(l), Right(r), Center(c/m), MiddleRight(cr/mr))--character, -c {string}
: The character to fill with. Defaults to ' ' (space)input | output |
filesize | string |
int | string |
list<any> | list<string> |
list<filesize> | list<string> |
list<int> | list<string> |
list<number> | list<string> |
list<string> | list<string> |
number | string |
string | string |
Fill a string on the left side to a width of 15 with the character '─'
Fill a string on the right side to a width of 15 with the character '─'
Fill a string on both sides to a width of 15 with the character '─'
Fill a number on the left side to a width of 5 with the character '0'
Fill a number on both sides to a width of 5 with the character '0'
Fill a filesize on the left side to a width of 5 with the character '0'
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