

glob for filesystem

Creates a list of files and/or folders based on the glob pattern provided.


> glob {flags} (glob)


  • --depth, -d {int}: directory depth to search
  • --no-dir, -D: Whether to filter out directories from the returned paths
  • --no-file, -F: Whether to filter out files from the returned paths
  • --no-symlink, -S: Whether to filter out symlinks from the returned paths
  • --not, -n {list<string>}: Patterns to exclude from the results


  • glob: the glob expression

Input/output types:

input output
nothing list<string>


Search for *.rs files


Search for *.rs and *.toml files recursively up to 2 folders deep

>glob**/*.{rs,toml} --depth2

Search for files and folders that begin with uppercase C and lowercase c


Search for files and folders like abc or xyz substituting a character for ?


A case-insensitive search for files and folders that begin with c


Search for files for folders that do not begin with c, C, b, M, or s


Search for files or folders with 3 a's in a row in the name


Search for files or folders with only a, b, c, or d in the file name between 1 and 10 times


Search for folders that begin with an uppercase ASCII letter, ignoring files and symlinks


Search for files named tsconfig.json that are not in node_modules directories

>glob**/tsconfig.json--not [**/node_modules/**]

Search for all files that are not in the target nor .git directories

>glob**/*--not [**/target/****/.git/***/]


For more glob pattern help, please refer to https://github.com/olson-sean-k/wax

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