

watch for filesystem

Watch for file changes and execute Nu code when they happen.


> watch {flags} (path) (closure)


  • --debounce-ms, -d {int}: Debounce changes for this many milliseconds (default: 100). Adjust if you find that single writes are reported as multiple events
  • --glob, -g {string}: Only report changes for files that match this glob pattern (default: all files)
  • --recursive, -r {bool}: Watch all directories under <path> recursively. Will be ignored if <path> is a file (default: true)
  • --verbose, -v: Operate in verbose mode (default: false)


  • path: the path to watch. Can be a file or directory
  • closure: Some Nu code to run whenever a file changes. The closure will be passed operation, path, and new_path (for renames only) arguments in that order

Input/output types:

input output
nothing table


Run cargo test whenever a Rust file changes

>watch.--glob=**/*.rs {|| cargotest }

Watch all changes in the current directory

>watch. { |op, path, new_path| $"($op) ($path) ($new_path)"}

Log all changes in a directory

>watch/foo/bar { |op, path| $"($op) - ($path)(char nl)"|save--appendchanges_in_bar.log }

Note: if you are looking to run a command every N units of time, this can be accomplished with a loop and sleep

>loop { command;sleepduration }

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