Class PSource

Direct Known Subclasses:
public class PSource
extends Object

This class specifies the source for encoding input P in OAEP Padding, as defined in the PKCS#1 v2.2 standard.

PSourceAlgorithm ::= AlgorithmIdentifier {
PKCS1PSourceAlgorithms    ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= {
   { OID id-pSpecified PARAMETERS EncodingParameters },
   ...  -- Allows for future expansion --
 EncodingParameters ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..MAX))

Nested Class Summary

Nested Classes
Modifier and Type Class Description
static class  PSource.PSpecified

This class is used to explicitly specify the value for encoding input P in OAEP Padding.

Constructor Summary

Modifier Constructor Description
protected PSource​(String pSrcName)

Constructs a source of the encoding input P for OAEP padding as defined in the PKCS #1 standard using the specified PSource algorithm.

Method Summary

All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods
Modifier and Type Method Description
String getAlgorithm()

Returns the PSource algorithm name.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected PSource​(String pSrcName)

Constructs a source of the encoding input P for OAEP padding as defined in the PKCS #1 standard using the specified PSource algorithm.

pSrcName - the algorithm for the source of the encoding input P.
NullPointerException - if pSrcName is null.

Method Detail


public String getAlgorithm()

Returns the PSource algorithm name.

the PSource algorithm name.