Interface TypeParameterElement

All Superinterfaces:
AnnotatedConstruct, Element
public interface TypeParameterElement
extends Element

Represents a formal type parameter of a generic class, interface, method, or constructor element. A type parameter declares a TypeVariable.

See Also:

Method Summary

All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods
Modifier and Type Method Description
List<? extends TypeMirror> getBounds()

Returns the bounds of this type parameter.

Element getEnclosingElement()

Returns the generic element of this type parameter.

Element getGenericElement()

Returns the generic class, interface, method, or constructor that is parameterized by this type parameter.

Methods declared in interface javax.lang.model.AnnotatedConstruct


Methods declared in interface javax.lang.model.element.Element

accept, asType, equals, getAnnotation, getAnnotationMirrors, getEnclosedElements, getKind, getModifiers, getSimpleName, hashCode

Method Detail


Element getGenericElement()

Returns the generic class, interface, method, or constructor that is parameterized by this type parameter.

the generic class, interface, method, or constructor that is parameterized by this type parameter


List<? extends TypeMirror> getBounds()

Returns the bounds of this type parameter. These are the types given by the extends clause used to declare this type parameter. If no explicit extends clause was used, then java.lang.Object is considered to be the sole bound.

the bounds of this type parameter, or an empty list if there are none


Element getEnclosingElement()

Returns the generic element of this type parameter.

Specified by:
getEnclosingElement in interface Element
the generic element of this type parameter
See Also: